Side Story: Gizzy's New Friends And Day Out!!

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This is not part of the Book. It's a side story!! AND CURSE WARNING!! I also have a hint in here for a upcoming chapter!! Keep a look out ;)

Gizmos POV

I woke up in C.C.'s Lap. I haven't seen Y/N in a couple weeks. And I'm starting to get worried. I jumped off of the couch and started to jump up the stairs. I seen Sally and squealed so she could see me. She looked at me and smiled. She picked me up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Are you hungry Gizzy?? Do you want some carrots or lettuce??" She asked. She held them out for me. I walked towards the lettuce, and took a bite of it. I took some bites and walked towards the delicious carrots.

I took a bite of that and started to eat that. She giggled and gave me both, I greatly ate it. Once I was done I seen Y/N and squeaked. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Giz!! There you are!! Sorry I haven't talked to you buddy. How are you doing??" He asked.

I jumped up on his shoulder and started to talk. "You okay, you've been busy. Anyway, I seen the new guy. Um. CJ was it?? He seems really cool. He seems shy though. I hope I get to meet him." I said.

"You better not abandon me.... Your my best friend. Don't leave." He started pouting. I laughed and licked his cheek.

"I would never. Besides, who's gonna tease you about your future BF huh??" I said. Y/N laughed and glanced at me.

"Just wait Gizzy, just you wait...." He said. I was confused at first. But I shrugged it off. He went to his room and sat me on the dresser. He started to tell me about how he is trying to get Liu and Jeff to stop treating him as a child.

I then see Jane out the window. I looked at her. She seems to be sad. "I'll be right back N/N, I feel like something bad might happen. You know my instinct." I said. N/N nodded and had a worried face. " Dont be worried. If I find out what happen, it won't go bad." I told him. He smiled and nodded.

I asked him to open the window and he nodded. He opened the winow and I went on the roof. "Be carful Gizmo!! I DNT want you to be hurt!!" He said. I smiled and nodded. I started to run to the stairs that this mansion has behind it. I started to go down and then tumbled down a little.

"Ow......" I mumbled and got up. I started to run to Jane and she started yelling at nothing.

"WHY DOES THAT BITCH GET TO STEAL MY CRUSH!! HE IS SUCH A FUCKING SLUT!! BEN is probably gonna date him for pleasure. He doesn't want to date him for his looks. FOR HIS FUCKING PLEASURE!!" Jane yelled. I was taken aback. What?? What does she mean by that??

"I'll just ruin their relationship!! That's a great idea!! Then Y/N can be all mine!! If only I can just act right now. I'm going to kill that dumb blonde BITCH!! This isn't going to be over. I'm gonna pay a visit to a certain someone." Jane said.

I ran in front of her and squeaked. She looked at me and scowled. "Oh.... It's just you. Y/N's rat??" I was angry now. I was about to attack till she kicked me.

I flew through the trees and landed in a river. I growled and got out. I was wet, cold, and I don't know where I am. I was gonna freeze my fur off if I don't get out of here soon.

I seen a rabbit and another guinea pig run towards me. I shook my body tryin to get the wetness out of my fur. The rabbit and guinea pig was now near me. I smiled and they were speaking in our guinea pig language.

Glitch (Creepypasta) BEN Drowned x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now