Chapter 7: A Very Drunk Ben.... And a New Boy!!

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New character!! Character Made my mimikyu888 !!!! Thank you so much!!

3rd POV

Ben was still holding onto Y/N as the said boy was blushing a bright red. The loud music was turned into a very upbeat song. BEN was about lean in when Y/N covered the poor blondes mouth.

"Ben.... Your drunk..... You don't know what your doing....." Y/N said as Ben growled a little and grabbed Y/N's S/T hands. He gripped his wrists with a soft but love sick expression.

"I'm not d-drunk.... And I know what I'm doing...... Your really cute~ why won't you let me kiss you?? I know you love me back...." Ben said as Y/N blushed a bright red even more. Ben leaned in and tried to kiss him again, but with a boy that knows that this one is drunk, stops him.

"B-Ben..... You are drunk.... Your gonna hate me, a-and then you don't want to hang out with me anymore!! I-I know you don't really love me, while your not drunk..... But you don't n-need to try and kiss me..... Your just gonna hate me as soon as I tell you....." Y/N explains as Ben frowned deeply.

"You are so fucking oblivious...... So. Fucking. Oblivious!!" Ben said as he grabbed Y/N's hands and made sure he had a hold of him. He kissed him deeply as Y/N couldn't help but melt into the kiss he was waiting for. But he knew Ben would hate him after. He knew Ben would not talk to I'm anymore. But he couldn't help but love that he finally was kissed by his crush.

The kiss was getting a lot more heated than Y/N wanted. So he got out of Ben's grip and pulled away. "Sorry Ben.... But I can't go to far...." Ben just shrugged and started kissing him again.

Y/N felt bad because he was taking advantage of Ben. But he knew Ben wouldn't remember, and he needed this. He wanted Ben to know he loves him, he wanted him to know he loves him the time he's been there with him.

Ben slid his tongue in Y/N's mouth as the boy tried to get out of his escape. But he couldn't with Ben's strong hold.

After a couple minutes of making out and saliva switching Ben pulled away. "And you didn't like me......" Ben said playfully. Y/N looked away embarrassed.

Ben's mood changes once he started to sober up a tiny bit. He was not wanting to make out with Y/N, but he had the edge to dance. Which made BEN want to dance with his crush.

Ben set Y/N down, and pulls the boy to the dance floor. He starts to dance around while Y/N stands there confused. Then decided to dance with him, so he starts to dance with him while laughing a couple times do to his drunk crush. He needed to forget about what happened.

Slender appears and turns off the music. As he does Ben falls on Y/N and just lays there.


"Uh.... Y/N child.... Are you okay??" Slender says and everyone turns to him. I sigh and hit my head on the ground, super hard. I just laid there, not moving.

"I'm done..... This boy is going to kill me one day.... AND THATS TODAY!!!!!" I yelled. I wasn't kidding. He was going to kill me.

"Please, do not yell right now. We have a new pasta today. Dear child, please come out....." Slender said.

A small boy came out. The first thing I noticed about him, was that he had Bright pink eyes.... It looked like they could glow in the dark. They were so pretty!! His hair was a bleach blonde, with dark red roses. His skin was almost like Jeff's, it was a white color but looked smooth. It was like he would light up in the dark, he was a couple inches smaller than me though. He was wearing a hospital dress on it with a pair of black shorts under them. He looked pretty Shy. I. Want. To. Speak. To. Him. UGH!!

Glitch (Creepypasta) BEN Drowned x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now