03. It's You

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you got me begging, begging
i'm on my knees


Crystal's POV: 

"You invited what?!" Derek's eyes nearly bulge out as I shrug.

"My friend and her brother. Tyler's met her and she's harmless. You have nothing to worry about," I pat his tense shoulder, speaking calmly.

"You know we live with each other right? Why do you need any more friends?" he huffs in frustration, pretty much hating people outside our home. 

"We go to university together. It'd be nice to have someone who doesn't remind me of the shit we've been through," I argue and he sighs, knowing it is true. Even though we love one another, we are also all tied to misfortune from the past. 

"Whatever, but I'm not cooking tonight," squealing, I nod and slightly jump up and down in excitement. Derek hardly gives in to anything so I don't mind doing extra chores. He checks up on Sel one more time, pressing a kiss to her forehead, before announcing that he's going out for an extra Saturday shift at the garage.

Harry's POV: 

"You don't remember her name?" I roll my eyes, staring at my sister. Gemma was telling me about someone she met at the train station before the situation at night, who also happened to have a younger sibling-like friend my age. 

"Sorry, I just forget a few things when, I don't know, a gun was being held to my head last night," she rolls her eyes, annoyed. I lean against her doorframe with my arms crossed, sighing. Earlier, we went out for brunch and she got a text from the girl. On our way home, she informed me that she was invited over for dinner and was told to bring me along. We also were offered to go earlier for a small tour of their place and talk more.   

"Sorry Gem," I apologize for being insensitive. 

"Let's go," she picks up her keys and takes the lead out the door, leaving me to lock the place up. Mum went out to do some groceries and then head over to Robin's home, a man she is seeing at the moment. I've only met him once or twice but he seems like a decent guy. 

Selena's POV: 

Crystal is in charge of watching me today. Luckily, she is distracted with some plans she apparently has and is spending all her time in the kitchen with Tyler. Holland volunteers to help and Dylan needs to go renew his driver's license so I am basically free to sneak out. After I check that no one is near my room, I slide the window open and skid a bit along the roof, before I reach a reasonable height to jump; it isn't something new so I know the precise steps by heart. 

When my feet landed on flat ground, I burst into a quick jog, throwing my hood over my head once again to conceal my profile. Once the familiar, bright yellow building comes to view, I slow my pace and push the doors open. 

"Good morning Selena," Issac warmly grins as I reach the main desk, signing in on the visitors page. He had a crush on Crystal and it was a bit awkward when he found out she was dating my brother, but thank God, it didn't affect our friendship. After I hand him back the binder and pen, I walk into the main room. 

"Selena!" kids cheer and I smile at the greeting, bending down to run a hand over their heads.

"Hey guys," I beam at the little bundles of energy. The safe and cheery environment of the daycare is my absolute favorite and it never fails to bring a smile to my face; I always promised myself to come every Saturday, knowing these kids have parents who worked too much and barely get quality time with them. I don't want more kids to be deprived of experiences with parents. 

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