19. I Got My Heart Set

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demi lovato stared straight in my soul and waved and i died


Harry's POV: 

"Why are you so fidget-y? It's starting to freak me out," she raises an eyebrow at my skittish behavior. We're currently on a boat that is taking us to a pier by the beach and the sand and water is nice and all, but one of the reasons I am super excited to go is because a car exhibit will be there. After much convincing, Selena finally wholeheartedly agreed to go on yet another date--it's our fourth one and I think we're pretty much going to get married at this point. Louis and Zayn were talking about sick rides and I remembered there will be a bunch of automobiles on display this certain Saturday. It just so happened I remembered moments later, it is also the same day as my date with the beautiful girl. There's no way in hell I was going to skip out on her, but I secretly wanted to still see the cars...so I suggested the beach...right next to it

"Nothing," I roll my eyes, hoping she doesn't catch onto my terrible lie, "now, let me take a picture of you, you lovely living being." 

"...Okay. Remind me why I like you, again?" 

"You like me?" the corners of my lips curve up. Selena's not that great at showing emotion, so I treasure the rare moments when she expresses something other than bitterness towards the world--especially if it's something along the lines of affection and towards me.

"Just take your stupid fucking photo," she ruffles her hair around a bit as I twist my lens and focus on her. I grin after a few snaps and hold the device to examine my work through the tiny square built in. Breath-takingly beautiful. She's wearing a simple grey pullover and high-waisted acid wash denim shorts even though it's almost winter and she looks like my personal Aphrodite. As I'm about to hand her the camera to see for herself, the boat pauses, swaying a bit and slowly touching the surface of the pier. 

"Let's go," she abruptly tugs on my right arm and I simply laugh at her eagerness that I barely see from her. We step down gently and together; I lend her my arm and help her steady her balance first before following in suit. Naturally, her hand slides down my arm to my own and we begin making our way, fingers interwined and palms pressed against one another. It's become something almost like a routine whenever we're together and I'm not complaining one bit. When we walk past the first vehicle, I slightly turn my head back to glance at the motor beauty but I accidentally trip over my feet, causing Selena to push against my chest to prevent the two of us from tumbling down. 

"Hey twisted toes, what's going on?" she shakes her head before following my line of sight. 

"Do you want to see the cars or something?"

"Uh..." I have no response. It's over. She knows. 

"You could've just said you wanted to, you know?" she shakes her head.


"Yes, doofus. Cars are cool. I'm down for it." I just stare at her in awe. 

"Stop looking at me and check out the cars. That's what we're here for?" she snaps me out of my trance and I let her pull me towards each vehicle. We sit in some and pretend to ride them with her in the driver seat and me making encouraging "vroom vroom" noises in the passenger one. She giggles and slaps my chest playfully and I can't stop smiling. Her voice explains some models and which ones she think are the best-looking or has the better engine. I thought she'd be bored but she's super excited and she even knows more about them than me...I can't even name some of these and she knows all the statistics of the features. 

Occasionally, when one catches our eyes, I pull out my camera and take a few shots while Sel sketches them with the pen in her pocket and some napkins from a nearby artery-clogging food shop. I peer at her out of the corner of my eye, watching her steady hands move and catch every detail, while her eyes remained concentrated on the subject in front of her. I'm so blessed and fucking lucky to be hanging with such a cool-ass girl. 

"Do you want some ice cream?" she finishes her last few lines before smiling up at me.

"What kind of movie-cliche date would this be without ice cream?" 

"Okay," I chuckle, "what flavour do you want?"

"Surprise me," she shrugs. I give her a peck on the top of her forehead before turning to line up while she sits on some outdoor benches. As I scan the menu, I wonder what she'll like. Seeing earl grey lavender and rose, I decide to get two scoops for the each of us. Just as I'm going to advance from my position to the counter, I hear a scream from behind me. I ignore it at first thinking it might be some overly-excited girl but as I hear shouting and a familiar voice, I quickly spin around only to see Selena jumping over the edge that clearly has a sign that spells out "don't dive." 

I don't even have time to yell out "what the bloody hell" before my feet make it's way over to see what is going on. Ariana stands by and I immediately turn to glare at her, not knowing what happened. Ever since Zayn said the girl had ruined Selena's chance for being recognized, I immediately felt a small dislike for her--simply for ruining my girl's mood. 

Selena's POV: 

"Watch where you're going!" a light voice shrieks and I tilt my head to the left to see the commotion. Ariana's flustered as a rude guy shoves her and I nearly want to laugh at the prissy princess failing to handle the rough parts of reality where not everyone praises the feet she walks on; however, when his friend does the same but a bit more harsh and I see her stumble on her feet and tip over slightly, I get annoyed. The second guy was just doing it out of spite and that's down right cruel. 

"Hey asshole! Say sorry," I fold my arms across my chest, about to confront him up-close until Ariana's screams disrupt my scolding.

"My purse fell!" she begins tearing up and I don't even know why I bother but I simply lift a left over the blue bars that create an edge against the pier and gently jump in, hitting the sea seconds later. The water is fucking cold as it is nearing December but I attempt to block out the numbing sensation as my arm reaches out for the soaked pink handbag. I'm not sure if it's heavy because it is full of water or because it is filled with this girl's shit but I'm going to assume both. After floating to the shore, I pant and heave the bag onto my shoulder, walking with water dripping from every part of me. Before I can even scan the perimeter and try to find my way back up to the pier, I'm engulfed in strong and very very warm arms. 

"What the fuck, Selena?" Harry tightens his grip on me and though I very much enjoy the much wanted heat, I push him away to give the drenched leather to the girl standing behind us. 

"Sorry it's wet."

"Don't be! Thanks," she mutters a bit shyly, for once. The surprise in her eyes never falters and I don't really know why I did it either, so that makes two of us. 

"My nanny got it for me and it was very expensive," she genuinely looks grateful and I shrug.

"Good," I push my hair back, the wet strands creating water droplets. Seeing not many people around, I attempt to, with as much grace possible, peal off my top sticking close to my body. Harry's eyes widen and he immediately yanks on the neck area of his shirt, taking it off and swiftly slipping it on me. It doesn't help that I'm wearing a black bra but his shirt smells like him and has his body heat so I have nothing to be angry about. Once I'm somewhat dry on top, Ariana leans in and hugs me tightly, appreciative words slipping from her mouth at the beginning and end of each sentence like loose book-ends. 

"It's whatever."

"I just...can't believe you'd do that for me."

"Trust me, me either," I roll my eyes as Harry circles the circumference of my waist with his arms once more. 

"...So, uh, are you guys a thing?" 


"--No." We both glance at each other as Ariana giggles. She informs us that she better go dry her bag and what not, leaving the two of us alone once again.

"Why did you do that?" 

"I don't know," I sigh, leaning my head into his bare chest. 

"Everytime I think I finally know you, you surprise me once more," he nuzzles his chin in the crook of my neck. I just mumble in response and savor this position.

"So...can we get ice cream now?" 

He just chuckles, allowing me to feel the vibrations through his chest before picking me up gently bridal-style and heading toward the line he was in earlier. 

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