29. Hurricane Underneath Trying To Keep Us Apart

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i think i got straight a's for my first quarter in college and i'm very happy and proud of myself

Zayn's POV: 

I smile at the blonde girl next to me as I paint. Ms. Deschanel allowed Perrie to take the seat beside me; Selena confided in the art teacher about her sudden care for school and the older woman only felt relieved and overjoyed to see this new side of her. The brunette turned in multiple works she had done outside of the class and in return, Ms. Deschanel excused her, encouraging and allowing her to work on other subjects and catch up on all she's been slacking off on. Never in a million years would I have thought to witness that conversation actually happening. That, and I'd never thought Selena skipping art class was a possibility. 

"I suck at art," my girlfriend sighs in defeat. I glance at her canvas, unsure of what she meant to capture. Maybe, it's abstract?

"It looks nice," I smile feebly, "what inspired it?"

"You, silly," she laughs.

"Oh," I chuckle along, not having a single clue how.

"It's you," she confirms, making my eyes widen.

"And it's lovely," I nod, "I...I can see it. Looks just like me."

"Oh, shut up."

Danielle's POV: 

"He's whipped beyond repair, huh?" I turn to Liam as we watch Harry completely tuning out the lecture. He's just staring out the window with one fist against his cheek. There's no doubt what or rather who, he's dreaming about. The ghost of a smile that lingers on his face says it all. He doesn't snap out of it until the sharp sound of the bell ringing startles him and he nearly falls over his seat. Liam and I chuckle to ourselves watching the distracted boy fumble around and finally manage to stand up on his two feet. 

Harry's POV:

It's weird to think graduation is coming up in two months, creeping onto us when we least expect it. Senior year seemed to have gone by so quick and I'm bittersweet about the whole thing. I think it'd be nice to go to a place where your mum isn't the principal but I'd also miss the comfort of familiarity. It feels like I've just really begun to settle in now as opposed to the truth that I'm leaving soon. I run a hand through my hair as I exit my last class before lunch. The lads head to the cafeteria as I inform them that I'm going to eat somewhere else with Selena, a privilege for seniors. In response, I get some whistles and pats on the chest. 

Walking out, I pull out my phone about to text her for her whereabouts only to see her sitting on a bench outside the school under a tree. Her bottom lip is trapped under her top teeth and her forehead slightly scrunchs up. There's an open textbook in her lap as she taps her pencil against one side of the book. I watch the light wind blow through her hair, revealing her studious face. She looks absolutely adorable, all concentrated and what not. I tuck away my phone back into its respective place in my pocket before strolling over.

"Do you want to go off campus and get something to eat? My treat," I wiggle my eyebrows, towering over her crouched figure. The shade from my shadow causes her to glance up at me with annoyance. 

"I have to study, Harry. I know if I go off with you, I'll end up not getting anything done."

"So?" I shrug.

"So, I'm worried about my test next week," she huffs, the frustration very visible in her bright brown eyes.

"Who cares? You didn't before," I point out. For the past years, Selena never gave a fuck about anything school-related. Hell, she sometimes wouldn't even show up, let alone study.

"Well, you made me want to care, okay? And, I don't want your mum to hate me more," she sighs deeply.

"You said it yourself, when I worked out to get your attention. Don't do things for others but live for you," I crouch down so we're on the same leve, my hands attempting to pry hers away from the book and close it. She keeps a tight grip, maintaining eye contact.

"This is for myself. I'm giving myself an education," she frowns when I show no signs of letting go anytime soon.

"Don't worry about it," I whine, "if anything, I can always just change your grades like before."


Oh fuck. 

"Uh, nothing," I murmur, reaching for her hands but she pulls them away.

"Tell me, Harry." 

A fear seeps in to me and I'm suddenly flooded with thoughts of insecurities. Knowing Selena's character, telling her the truth will destroy everything. 

"I don't want to. I'm scared it'll end things," I quietly admit.

"It'll be over if you can't tell me," her tone is stoic and emotionless, like how she was in the past. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself for the worst. 

"I changed your attendance and stuff to make sure you stayed in school, so I can see you," I confess. 

"What? That's so wrong and selfish of you, Harry! I don't deserve those grades and those records! Your mum was wondering how come I wasn't kicked out of school yet and I was too. I can't believe it was you! You've been lying to both your mum and me," she throws her arms in the air.

"I was just scared! You have so much potential and you were just suddenly throwing it away. I wanted you to have a bright future!" 

"That's not for you to decide! I can do things on my own and you, of all people, should know that. This is my life and I can do whatever I want with it," she shakes her head. 

"Your life was rough! Your parents died, for God's sake. There might not have been anyone to give you a right sense of direction and I wanted to help!" 

"What the actual fuck, Harry? I am responsible. It might not seem like it, but I know what I'm doing. And, you didn't even know that before so don't you dare throw that in my face. Plus, you promised me no more pity!" 

 "I know, I'm sorry, but--" 

"Whatever, save it. I can't be around you right now," she stands up, zipping up her backpack and now shutting the book. When I see her adjust the straps of her bag onto her shoulder, my eyes widen and I get up from my previous position.

"What do you mean? You can't just leave, I-I mean, we're not breaking--up right?" my voice cracks and I'm sure the desperation and internal turmoil is written all over my face.

"I don't know what we're doing, but...I just need some space alone right now," she manages to shove by me and walk away, leaving me alone near the entrance of the school, wondering how everything can be ruined so quickly. 

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