17. It's Disgusting

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i saw the vamps up close and the encore made my heart soar (-: my 2 favorite songs ever i'm in loveee
ps, i know this is short and i am so sorry!! 

Selena's POV: 

"Do you think Harry will ever find a girl?" I'm startled at the random but abrupt question thrown at me. Looking down at the blonde culprit, I see only curiosity painted across her face and I sigh, glancing at her adorable innocence. How can I not answer that? 

"Yes, I'm very sure he will find someone someday. A lot of people at school like him, you know?" I twiddle with my fingers, taking a sip of the hot coffee I picked up on the way to the daycare. It is currently the time to leave and most of the kids want to have fun instead of waiting for their parents by the benches. They rush out onto the playground, claiming their territory before there were no more swings or slides to occupy; however, a certain little girl stays behind where I'm watching them from the window. Issac went to go buy lunch so instead of leaving like I typically do, I offered to stay behind and supervise each child getting home safely. 

"Do you like him?" Molly blinks and I bite my lip, contemplating the best way to answer. Lately, Harry has been slowly inserting himself into my life and I can't tell if that's good or bad.

"Sometimes," I bring the paper cup up to my mouth once more.

"Would you ever be his princess?" she giggles and I glance down at her once more.


"His princess, you know? Aunt Anne said Harry's a prince and he needs a special girl by his side," she gushes and I shift my weight from one foot to the other awkwardly. 

"Um, I don't...I-I.." I stammer but to my utmost relief, I am saved by Gemma. She grins widely when she sees her niece, picking her up and spinning her around. 

"Harry's still asleep," she explains the reason why she's here instead and I feel partial gratitude and partial disappointment. Just as I am about to respond, Issac taps my shoulder and points toward his front desk, signaling that I can go now. 

"Do you want to come over for some tea?" Gemma kindly suggests and I have an urge to deny it. Right when I begin to mouth the words of rejection, a tug on the end of my top pulls my attention.

"Please come! My mommy's not picking me up until later so we can have more fun!" her big doe eyes widen in the same not-so-innocent method that I'm sure she learned from her older uncle. 

"Fine, but not for very long," I sigh, observing her jump and squeal with excitement I wish I still had. 

Gemma's POV: 

"So...Harry's been out with you a lot recently. Care to tell me what's been going on?" I nudge the pretty brunette's shoulder as my other hand firmly grips onto Molly's. She's small, but full of spirit and adventure and a hard one to handle. The energy she possesses amazes me as she attempts to skip her whole way home.

"Nothing much," she shrugs but I can see the faint tint of color in her pale cheeks. It's gotten noticeably colder these past few days but I'm sure the light pink is from something other than the biting chill of the air.

"Really? Are you saying my brother's been smiling like an idiot for no reason then?" 

"I'm positive. We're just two platonic friends hanging out, doing platonic things at you know, platonic friendship places," she huffs as I nearly snort. 

"You sure they weren't like dates?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"The only dates that existed were at the farmer's market we went to fulfill your mum's grocery list," she rolls her eyes and I have to stifle a loud burst of laughter as we enter the home. 

Harry's POV: 

My eyes flutter open to the sound of high shrieks and giggles coming from downstairs. Yawning, I sit up and stretch, raising my arms above my head. Quietly, I jog downstairs to see the many voices and a wide smile find it's way on my face when I see the source. Rushing back up, I snatch my camera off my desk and tiptoe back down just in time to capture the sight of Selena smiling with Molly. The flash catches the attention of the three girls and I sheepishly grin with guilt once all eyes are on me.

"I see you've finally woken up," Gemma sarcastically shakes her head. As I'm about to comment back with a lame remark, the door bell rings. 

"Come on Molly, it must be your mom," my older sister leads the little girl to the front of the house and it's just me and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. 

"Why are you always taking pictures of me?" she shakes her head when I join her, taking a seat on the black leather couch. She folds her legs in a criss cross position, leaning back into the cushions and glancing at me in curiosity. 

"I like perserving beautiful sights," I shrug though cheesily smile once I see her roll her eyes as per usual. 

"I just love photography even since I was little. My dad used to tell me life's short and we need to do everything to keep the moment. It's my way of doing that, I guess. I'm applying early for that major for the school of arts," I ramble, pausing my words with fear that she'd be bored of hearing me just go on. When I hesitantly lift my chin up to watch her, I only see her shining eyes intent on me, holding onto every word that falls out of my mouth. She looks captivated and it's such a nice feeling; even though she puts up the badass persona, she knows how to effortlessly make you feel loved and important, a quality I'm sure she's oblivious to even having.

"That's cool. It's my dream school. I'm applying too but for art obviously, and I'm not doing the early action.You need to send in a portfolio, right?" 

"Yeah," I breathe, "we have to capture the beauty of something for 100 days and be able to display a story."

"Early applications are due the day before Christmas," she reminds me, "better start now."

"I already started, no need to worry babe," I chuckle, gently and casually allowing my arm to settle over her shoulders. She tenses a bit but nonetheless gradually leans towards my touch.

"It's disgusting how much I'm hanging out with you and actually not hating it," she turns her head and nuzzles into my neck, making her sentence into simple mumbles but it's like I never heard her say anything clearer. 

"I love it," I sigh happily, lowering my head to rest atop hers.

"Just platonic friends doing platonic things, huh?" 

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