16. Let Me Love You

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I KNOW ITS BEEN SUPER LONG AND I AM SORRY )-: a lot has happened since then like i went to OTRA SAN DIEGO (MY BABES), college orientation (which i surprisingly had a lot of fun), and yeah the main reason i could not update, writer's block. this is the first story where i have no sense of plot/direction like i kinda just impulsively dove in to this bc i had little tidbits/ideas but not a real path ...so sorry about that. BUT, it's not like i just sat in this dry spell--i read a while ago that if you have writer's block, just take a break from it and work on something else until its back, so.....I WROTE A SHORT STORY!! its finished and i'm ready to post each chapter. starting today, i will post one each day (-: it's 10 chapters and called Dance With Me! 

also i was just chilling you know minding my business on twitter then the i see the boys like dROP A BOMB AND I WAS NOT PREPARED AND I HAD HEART PALPITATIONS AND A CARDIAC ANEURYSM LIKE WHAT SO MUCH CHEST PAIN FROM DRAG ME DOWN alskdjewoire 



Selena's POV: 

"So, look who's drawing the person they're smitten with, now?" Zayn smirks at me as I glance up at him, startled he was so close. A rosy blush spills on my face as I realize I just got caught with my sketch. 

"It honestly wasn't intentional," I shake my head, telling the truth. My subconscious controlled my hand and before I knew it, I drew Harry, curls, dimples, and all on the large pad of paper. Using some light yellow colored pencils, I filled in some areas I wanted to emphasize, highlighting his nicely structured jaw and the crinkles by his eyes when he smiles widely. The light accents actually make it look like he's shining and it's my favorite depiction of the strange boy who seems to be lounging in my mind recently like a persistent thought that refuses to get up and move. 

"He's really got you into a daze, huh? He does have that effect on most girls. I thought you'd be strong enough to resist his charm, Gomez," he teases but I stand my ground, huffing. I blamed him for being so keen on spending time with me and constantly finding a way to squeeze himself into my life, not really giving me a choice. This only leads to Zayn laughing, completely amused by my flustered self, one that he has never really seen of me. Before he can prod me further on the topic, I grab the page before it, and flip it back over so the picture of Harry is unseen, hidden under my previous drawing of Neptune. 

"So, how's life?" I voluntarily change the focus of the conversation and I'm not oblivious to the fact that he's highly aware of my intentions, but he's kind enough to follow along.

"It's not bad. I invited Perrie to hang out with my friends and I later this afternoon," he nudges towards the blonde in front who's busy focusing on a painting. She has one eye closed, trying to picture the image perfectly on the canvas, and her tongue stuck out on the left side of her mouth, focusing intently on the task at hand. 

"That sounds fun," I nod and raise my hand for a high-five to give him my congrats for at least making some progress with the girl he's been drooling over for the past few weeks. 

"You want to come too?" he suddenly turns to me and I'm not ready for the question sprung on me. My throat dries a bit as I hesitate.

"Um, I don't know..."

"C'mon. You said it sounded fun just a few seconds ago," he laughs and I shrug.

"Yeah, because that's just the thing you say. I don't think hang outs with large groups of people are really my scene," I explain, with a dramatic eye-roll.

"I respect that, but it doesn't hurt to try? If you find yourself hating life and cursing me out, you can just get up and leave, everyone will be cool with it," he offers politely and I bite my lip, contemplating it. He did say I can always leave whenever I feel uncomfortable.

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