07. I Want You To Know

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+ sorry this is late i lost my groove. i've just had writer's block and i've been really busy with things like my driving test (finally licensed after taking it again oops) and this competition i had. oh yeah, and i turned 18 on feb 25 ☺ and my friends made me very very happy.

also this is boring but it will get better later on. well, hopefully


Harry's POV: 

This has been the longest week but I'm finally glad it's over. According to Louis who was going to the bathroom during sixth period, Selena came and walked the freshman home early because he felt sick. I felt deflated knowing that I missed my chance of seeing her today, but to my luck and complete bliss, she returned. At first she headed to the office where my mother was, probably discussing about the suspension and filling out papers. After she exited, sighing heavily, she then snuck into the art room that Zayn had left earlier. I had no idea what she did inside but she came out with the teacher, both smiling and I truly admired how beautiful she was. It was rare to see her look so happy and carefree and I wish that I could've photographed it in the moment but I was too slow. By the time I reached into my locker for one of my most prized possessions, she was already out the door, parting ways.

I continue to stare at her departure, doing a bit of day-dreaming and just thinking about the mere longing I have to be with her despite her tendency to push people away.

"Harry?" I jump, startled at the sudden sound behind me. My mum tilts her head before sending me a plethora of interrogations about my well-being.

"Are you okay? Why are you so on edge? What happened?" I groan, attempting to blow off her incessant nagging. 

"You just caught me by surprise, mum," I run a hand through my messily tousled curls as she sighs in relief.

"Okay, I just don't want my baby to be hurt," she grins, pulling me into a hug as a tint of carnation pink litter my cheeks. Thankfully most of the students have already left, eager to get away from school because if anyone were to see me now, I'd die. God, I am embarrassed as hell. 

"Mummm," I whine, as she finally retracts her embrace. 

"I'm sorry. I just miss my little boy," she cooes and pinches my cheek, eliciting more complaints from me, "okay, okay. I'll stop. I just wanted you to know that I have a few parent conferences so I won't be home until later. Gemma said her classes were cancelled this week after her professor got the flu so she'll be home tonight. Hopefully, you two can make some dinner before I arrive." 

I nod, not really processing the information except the fact that she won't be home, giving me some time to myself. She leaves a kiss on my forehead before heading back to her office. Excited and with an idea, I reach for my camera in my locker, using the strap to hang it around my neck. I shut the painted door shut and text the boys.

To: Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam

"Want to go on a mission?" 

Despite my slight tension with Zayn, I know I will still feel guilty for leaving him out. Sliding my phone into my back pocket, I quicken my steps, hoping to follow my favorite girl and learn a thing or two about winning her heart. 

Louis's POV: 

"I'm pretty sure this is illegal," Liam points out as Harry shushes him. The five of us are currently attempting to be quiet; Harry texted us a location about an hour ago and now here we are, hiding behind occasional walls and trees, watching to see where the infamous Selena Gomez spends her time. We pause our steps when we see her slip into a crevice that leads down to a darkened alley. 

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