Issabella's first trip home

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We were all woken early the next morning because of Isabella was crying.
Ron got her from her little cot in the corner of the room and took her into his bed.
I got my phone from next to my bed and texted Lucas. I know he was in the room but it was easier to talk to him this way.
Me morning
Lucas hey :)
Me what we doing today?
Lucas well I think we should see what my parents want later on today.
Me do we have to?
Lucas yesssss
Me :-/
I out my phone on the floor next to my bed and went back to sleep.

I woke up again at 8.47. Everyone else was already awake and Miya was even in her clothes.
"Riley! Wake up! We're taking Bells home today!" Miya exclaimed. She was obviously excited. I got out of made then changed into my clothes.
Isabella was dressed in a pink fluffy baby grow had a little white hat on and was all ready in her car seat all ready to go home.
My hair began to get in my nerves so I tied up it in a neat bun on the top of my head and got ready to leave the hospital.

We got to the reception desk and signed Miya out. Then we got into the car and left to get back to Miya's house.

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