There's no need to panic

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I couldn't even remember getting into bed to go to sleep never mind going to sleep!

I woke up before Lucas. I noticed was I was lay cuddling Lucas., he had his arms wrapped round me and was touching my bottom. Lucas had no top on, I could see his abs.

The sun was gracefully rising and lighting up our hotel room. I had just awoken yet the locals looked as if they'd been up for hours. Running about on the golden sand, building sand castles, jumping over waves, having a fun time.

I moved my arms from around Lucas, picked up my phone to see the time. It was 11.49. I looked at the time quickly then lay back down to fall back to sleep.

I places my head back on Lucas's chest then realized something wasn't right. I sat back up and looked at the time again. 11.50. I began to panic.
"Lucas! Lucas wake up!!" I said whilst tapping his cheek.
"Come on its 11.50! We need to get up!!"
Slowly his eyes opened. He stretched his arms up then his put them round my neck to lean in for a kiss.
"Lucas! Get up! It's almost 12!"
He removed his arms from my neck and sat up. He picked up his phone looked at the time then lay back down again.
"Lucas, why are you getting back into bed?" I was confused
"Riley we have the room until tonight. There's no need to panic."
I could see he was up to something. It didn't seem right. I didn't know what was going on if I'm completely honest.

He got up from out of the bed. He waked over to a bag in the corner of the room. He picked the bag up and placed it on the bed. He opened the bag, inside was clothes. My clothes. Tights, converse, a jumpsuit. And a top and trousers for himself.
"Let's get changed" he said

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