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Riley's POV
Lucas had left late that night. My mum had promised to help out with Oscar that night. It was almost 1 in the morning, I was still awake. I was watching Oscar sleep in my room.
He reminded me of Miya and Isabella, I took a picture of Oscar and sent it to her. I wasn't expecting a reply until the morning, but she replied straight away. She asked if that baby was mine. I said yes and he's called Oscar. She was so happy for me and Lucas. She then sent a picture of one year old Isabella. I couldn't believe it had been a year! We agreed we must meet up sometime soon and introduce Isabella to Oscar.

I then went to sleep.

But not for long.

Oscar woke up at 3.05

Then again at 4.56

Then slept until 7.12

I then placed him next to me in bed and he slept again until 7.56. I woke up and was shattered.
I texted Lucas, he agreed to pick him up and look after him for the day to let me sleep.

My life has changed.

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