Warzone (Chapter Twenty) FINALE

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It was pretty late so we all decided to get a good amount of rest before the day. Jasahn, Karen, and I decided to miss out on school for today. I wake up at 8am to mentally prepare for today and do a few push-ups to warm up. I pick up my phone and access the Pulseware.

"Can I get the information for Robert Lenahan?" I asked. 

"Name: Robert Lenahan

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Occupation: Teacher

Address: Burman Street 214 (LAVENDER ROAD)"

"We don't have his number?"

"I'm afraid not." Delta says.

"We oughta pay a visit, then." I text Nick to ask if Lenahan is in today.

(On Jarahn's phone)

"Nah. But where the heck you at?" Nick asked.

I typed as fast as I could to respond. I'm not gonna waste seconds texting, I gotta hurry to Lenahan's place.

"Staying home for today. My dad is supposed to surprise me with something." I lied.

"Oh, okay. See you later." Nick texted back.

I slide my phone into my pocket and head out of my house. My father was upstairs in his room mentally preparing himself too. Can I really blame him? 

Lavender Road was a 3 hour trip, but I used my suit to shorten it to at least an hour and 45 minutes. I drop in front of Lenahan's porch with my suit on and knock on his door. It was still early so no one was really out and about. I knocked and Lenahan answered the door sounding lower than I feel.

"Who is it?"

"Pulse." The door shoots open.

"Hurry on in!" He urged. I rushed inside and he shut the door behind me and locked it. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"

"I can't. Not today."


"Spectrum is planning a big attack at the heart of the city. And we could use another pair of hands to help us out, man."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...a big attack...? And you need me?" Lenahan asked.

"I'm being serious, Lenahan." My mask retracts into my suit. "Spectrum is planning something big and dangerous and we could use all the super hands we could get." His excitement faded.

"I honestly don't know what to tell you, Jarahn." He entered his kitchen and started to clean up. "After that encounter with the telepathic...I just been thinking and I'm not sure if I wanna do this stuff anymore. When I slammed into that window...those people in the building...they didn't know what to do. They fled from me...terrified...not sure what was going on..."

"A random dude slammed into their window and onto their floor, that's why. Getting hurt is a part of the job. But we always just have to get back up. Always."

"That's so easy for you to say, Jarahn...you're stronger than me...stronger than I'll ever be..."

"Lenahan...it's not about brute strength or super powers...it's about willpower. It's about not letting them crush your spirits."

"Well then I guessed it's safe to say that they've crushed mine." He stated. I nodded. Having him out there with us could've helped a lot with the crowd control...but I guess this life isn't for all of us.

"Understood." My cowl returned around my head and I headed for the window. Just before I left, I had one more thing to say to him. "Those people weren't afraid of you...they were afraid of what hurt you. And that's why we do this...so they don't have to be afraid anymore." I opened his window and dive out. His eyes remained trained on his kitchen countertop. 

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