Kate Johnson (Chapter Seventeen)

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"Kate? Kate Johnson? The sophomore?" Link asked.

"Yeah. We need answers and the only way to get answers is to ask questions." I adjust my mask. It felt tighter than usual, I think my head grew in my sleep.

"Jar-, Pulse...did you know who Link was?" Quoke asked.

"Yep. Found out the same day I went Sage Mode. Whoa...sage mode...maybe I should call it that?"

"I think you've stolen enough from shows and movies." Quoke sighed.

"Yeah, you might be right. Anyway, her address is Sheridan Ave 12. It's down the street by the school. We're gonna be staking out until we get eyes on her. According to her records, she has a club to go to and she should be home by 8...speaking of clubs...what happened to your Film Appreciation Club?"

"Got kicked for being late... a lot..."

"How can you get kicked from appreciating films?"

"Well, a lot of people wanted to be in the club...my slot could be used for someone who'd be there on time...ya know?"

"Yeah, guess so...sounds like bullcrap if you were to ask me-"

"Guys! I can't just stalk a student!" Link butted in.

"You won't be stalking anyone, you're Link now. And it's called a stakeout!" I said sternly.

"Okay, okay. How are we gonna get down from here?"

"We jump. Do you have any gear that can help you land safely?"

"What?! No! I took the stairs up here!"

"How did you take the stairs with the suit on?"

"I put the suit on when I reached the roof!"

"Yikes...I guess I'll help you out."

"How?" He asked. I moved him to the edge of the building and looked at him and then down at the city.



"Link. Jump."


"Hard way it is..." I mumbled.

"Huh?" Link asked. I then pushed him off the building and then jumped after him. Quoke laughed.

"Jarahn needs to work on his people skills." he said as he leaped off. Link panicked as he fell fast, too fast.


"AAAAHHHH!" Link screamed.

"I'm gonna go to jail for murder..." I facepalmed. Quoke beamed down past me and slowed down next to Link.

"You need to spread out, Link. Or you'll die."


"Spread out. Please." Quoke said sincerely. Link nodded and spread out and the air started to catch him, his fall began to slow.

"Hmm...maybe Jasahn is a better teacher than me." I whispered. I beam down and get next to Link. "Good work, Link. Thanks for the hand, Quoke." Link smiles from my approval and Quoke nods at me.

"Don't mention it." Quoke said. "Deploy." His chute deploys and he's yanked up by the chute. I maneuver through the air and move in front of Link and reach for both of his hands. He grabs hold of mine.

"Not to ruin this romantic moment...but now what?!" Link asked.

"I'm gonna release the chute and I'm gonna need you to hold on as tight as you can to my hands! The force might jolt you out of grip if you don't hold on tight enough!"

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