Answers. (Chapter Two)

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(Third Person View. Story is in 1st Person Omniscient for the remainder after the transition.)

"What happened?!" Karen asked.

"Well, if his DNA is currently being rewritten, his body can't really do anything without fainting...throwing up...or....well anything..." Jaden explained as he placed him on the table.

"So basically, the change in his cells is just now setting in now that he's actually doing things...." 

"Exactly. Delta remove the suit." The suit enters the watch and Jarahn is shown in his underwear. Karen's face glows as her eyes remained attracted to Jarahn's abs.

"Uh...Karen...don't mean to be rude should probably leave..." Her ears hear the words but her brain did not perceive them. She remained lost in his abs.

"Karen!" He yelled. Karen jumped and looked at Jaden.


"You gotta get out girl!"

"Oh yes...sorry...." She then walks off.

"Jesus christ...teens and their hormones these days..." He mumbles as he takes a sample of Jarahn's blood. Moments passed and Jarahn awoke, Jaden was in the lab checking out his DNA.

(First Person)

"What happened?" I ask.

"You're definitely no longer a teen who can're a teen who has superpowers and can fight...but I wouldn't say that makes much of a difference..." He laughed.

"How much has changed?"

"All of it. The explosion seems to have completely changed your DNA. You're a super! Oh wait...that's taken..."

"So is shazam...but I didn't care." I chuckled.

"Jarahn. How do you feel? Be as descriptive as possible."

"I feel refreshed. Stronger...different. Whatever changed me...definitely increased my motivation."

"Okay...we should probably test your abilities...see if they're limited."

"Does that mean I have to punch things again?" I ask.

"Yes. Yes, it does."

I smile as I get off the bed and start to stretch my limbs.

"You should put some clothes on..." He shakes his head.

"Okay. I'll meet you down there."

"Got it." Jaden heads down to the training room to prepare and I look for clothes in excitement.

"Wow! Superpowers!" I say like a 4-year-old. I put clothes on and rushed downstairs and find Karen and Lakota waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. " there a problem?"

"No, we just..." Karen started.

"We need the watch." Lakota states.

"What? Why?"

"We need to update the software and do some minor upgrades to the suit..."

"What upgrades?"

"Just give the watch."

"Fine." I take the watch off and give it to Lakota. I don't know why but I really didn't want to give up my watch...I've sort of grown a bond with Delta.

"See you soon Mr. Pulse," Delta says. The LEDs on my watch form a smiley face and she winks at me. I laugh and wave as they walk off into the lab. I enter the room and Jaden is nowhere to be found. The lights shut off and shut back on and I see Jaden in the corner of the room.

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