Possessions (Chapter Twelve)

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"Well first, we're gonna need an empty news truck. We need to act like it was left idle by a poor worker." I explained as I note it down.

"Why?" Officer Sam asked.

"Well, she's gonna want an audience...and I think the least we can do is make sure it's all on live television. We can also set up small bugs and cameras inside the van so we know their every move."

"Good idea."

"Thanks. Next, we're gonna need to clear a perimeter of at least, 7 or 8 blocks. Possibly even 10. Fights with her always become a mess."

"That's gonna take some time."

"Then you should get to it as soon as possible. I wanna make sure no civilians are in the way and make sure that none get hurt. We're also gonna need a decoy cop. She loves tormenting the officers...Sam?"

"Sure." He says annoyed.

"Sorry man, you're the only cop I know who can handle themselves. Jasahn, I'm gonna need you on top of a building nearby, waiting for anything to get out of hand. And when it does, you can drop in."

"Got it. But define out of hand."

"You'll know it when you see it."

"Okay, but where has all this been coming from? The ideas, the plans..? Do you have someone else that helps you?" Karen asked. I tapped the side of my head.

"It's all up here. I've learned how to use my Mind Palace to brainstorm and solve problems that I can't necessarily solve when I'm out here."

"Out here??" Karen said really confusingly.

"Out here. In the world. Reality." I elaborated.

"Ohh. Okay. That's really neat."

"Yeah. That's helped me with the Skyzone attack."

"Wait, you used the Mind Palace to find out where she was gonna be?" Officer Sam asked,

"Yep. Took me about 4 minutes to find out."

"Wow. I should learn how to do that."

"I suggest it. It's pretty cool. I used my Mind Palace on the day the tunnel caved in. I thought about telling you about it, but you went to call reinforcements...which led to them getting crushed sooo, I didn't tell you."

"Whoa...I hate the Mind Palace now."

"Sorry man."

"I mean...you're not wrong...I would've called for backup.."

"Which is why I didn't call. Which is why we have those officers that gave me some cool gifts, ya know?"

"Yeah...thank god for that Mind Palace then..."

"Yeah. Which also gives me an idea...Spectrum thinks she's smart...she is, but it's about time we make her think she's making her steps...while we're actually setting them up for her. Let's make her think she's driving to city hall, but we actually lined up things so perfectly that she's forced to go.."

"But that could lead up to thousands and thousands of dollars worth damage. And you sort of always leave a mess."

"Damn it, you're right. Maybe we could lead her into a warehouse? Make it seem like it's abandoned while she goes out to hide?"

"But don't we want her out in the open for the news and stuff?" Jasahn asked.

"Oh yeah! You're right...Give me a second." I said. I then press both of my index fingers to my head and close my eyes.

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