Something's coming... (Chapter Nineteen)

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I throw a smoke pellet onto the cold floor of the warehouse and smoke floods the room.

"What the?" A crew member panicked. All of them look around in confusion. Like sheep realizing that the wolf is amongst them- and was amongst them the whole time. I dropped onto one of the crew members and slam my elbow onto his forehead and he's out cold. I zip to the guy on my left, smash my fist into his stomach and flip him over my shoulder. He flies into the brick warehouse wall. I zipped to the other side and smash the back of my  knuckles into his nose, elbow him in the stomach, and finish it off with a strong left swing across his face.

The smoke was clearing up, which meant they were gonna start fighting back. I had to be ready. I decided to take out one more guy.

I rush forward and scoop the guy up and over my shoulder and slam him onto the floor. Pulling my punches is very annoying and hard to do...but I'm able to manage by stretching my move set. The smoke clears and they finally see who's been kicking the shit out of them.

"I-I-It's Pulse!!" A crew member said in fear.

"Where's your boss?" I asked sternly.

"Go to hell!" The other member said as he swung at me. I strafe to the left and grab his fist.

"Wanna change your mind?" I asked in a deeper tone. CRASH! A wooden chair was then destroyed over my back. All I had felt was a small stinging sensation. "Hard way, it is." I stated. I then take out each and everyone one of them with ease and precision. I saved one  to get some answers.

"P-p-pulse! P-p-please.." The member panicked. I picked him up by his collar and slammed him against the wall.

"Talk. Now."

"Z-z-zack went out to meet with Ace get more upgrades about the tech and the bullets we used to stop you." He said. But I was just there...which means Ace either told him we're coming or Ace told him he doesn't wanna work with him anymore.

"Anything else?!"

"He's planning an attack...on Origin the heart of the city."

"WHEN?!" I yelled.

"I believe..." A voice said from behind me. I panicked and was instantly lifted into the air. "That information is only for qualified personnel."

"B-boss! I didn't tell him anything...I swear!" The member promised.


Zack broke the neck of his team member and his lifeless body plopped onto the floor.

"See...I could easily do that same for you...but that wouldn't be so fun...we're not done playing with you Pulse...and you're not the one I'm after..." He sneered. I went to move my limbs, but they wouldn't budge. I refuse to panic...I'm not going to panic...I'm not gonna panic. I kept forcing. "I can feel you fighting about I just waltz right over to you...and figure out who this boy hero is?" He slowly started to make his way toward me.

I panicked! I know my suit has a safe lock...but I don't know about the mask...I have no idea about the mask! "Get off of me!" I yelled in anger. Zack tapped the mask and went to pull it off of me- Delta spoke abruptly.

"Detecting unrecognized finger prints!" She yelled. The suit releases an electric charge and sent him flying into the wall.

"ACK!" He winced and slid down onto the floor.

"Reduce charge on electric glove." I say. I aim and fire. The electric current flies out of my glove and zaps Zack in the forehead and renders him mentally fatigued. He sits there with his mouth dropped and slowly drooling. "How much volts was that...?"

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