It was just a dream (Chapter Thirteen)

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"DAD!!" I rose quickly with my guard up, breathing heavily as I looked around cautiously...I was in my room. "Huh?"

"I'm flying from a fire, from Nico and the Niners, oh!" Tyler's voice went. I jumped and slammed my hand on my wrist, but it wasn't my watch. It was my android phone. I turned the alarm off and looked around in oblivion.

"That doesn't make sense...I got an iPhone 8 for my birthday." I sat up and placed my back against the headboard. "Unless..." I jumped off of my bed and checked my closet for my suitcase. Nothing. I figured it may have been left as the base so I leap over my bed and try to text Jaden but his number wasn't there. Neither was Lakota, Karen, Officer Sam, or Jasahn.

"It was just a dream..." I hold my head to think. "There's no way all of that could've been a dream! My powers, my friends, my enemies...there's no way I could've just dreamt all of that up.."

"Jarahn!! Are you getting ready!?" My father called. My face lit up with happiness and I feel like all my stress just evaporated away.

"Yeah! I'm getting ready! Shouldn't you be at work!?" I asked him with a cheesy smile.

"Called out for today!" He replied. "Hurry up! I can drive you today!"

"Okay! Okay!" I grab my phone and reach for my Bluetooth speaker. I accidently knock it over and I find my homemade suit under my bed. "Darn...I'm gonna miss those upgrades...and super powers.." I sighed, only wishing that the dream was real...wishing that I did meet those people...wishing that Karen was real...that's when another thought hit me. "He called out?! That's odd...he never calls out...must really be a good day!" 

"I JUST WANNA SCREAM AND SHOUT! AND LET IT ALL OUT!" I yelled as I danced in the shower. But then all the sudden my moves came to a halt.

"Jaliyah...that means that never happened..." I let the shower water fall down my face while I explore the possibilities. "I don't know...that felt way too real...I don't know if I'll be able to talk to her..."  I shook my head out of the thought and went back to jamming.



After my shower, I got ready for school, ate my breakfast and I was in the car beside my father and he was basically explaining how Spider-Man can be beaten by the Winter Soldier.

"No Dad! So what if he has a metal arm?! He literally beat Falcon and Winter Soldier." I argued.

"They went easy on him! He's a kid! Come on!" He argued back.

"Whatever!" I laughed.

"You know I'm right!"

"No! I know you're wrong!"

"PFFT! Me?! Wrong?! Never!"

I shook my head in disbelief and we just pulled up in front of the school. I grab my backpack from the rear seat and head out the door.

"Thanks dad! Love you!"

"Love you too! Have a great day! And make sure you come home on time! Your mom's coming back from her business trip today!" He pulls off and drives down and I hang my bookbag over my shoulder as I watch his car get further and further away from me.

"Mom...?" I tilt my head. My eyes move from side to side as I start to think. "But mom left us..." I turn around and enter the school. Jaliyah was waiting for me by my locker. I took a deep breath and approach her as I try to ignore what just happened.

"Hey babe!" She gives me a hug and gives me a kiss on the lips. Her eyes were closed as she kissed me, but my eyes remained wide open in shock. The kiss ended and she looked into my eyes. "You okay? You seem it about your mother's arrival?" She asked. I remained breathless...I quickly licked my lips and the inside of my mouth so I could speak.

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