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The Gryffindor common room was already packed to the brim when Lily entered. Everyone from first to seventh year was crowded around the Quidditch team, minus James, who was a few steps behind Lily, and as far as she could see, no Thomas - who was the one person Lily needed to find.

Her plan was to hunt him down tonight, and embarrass him in front of as many people as she could. She was going to make a scene about it, and make sure that everyone knew he was a cheater.

She waded her way through the crowd, which had begun to break into smaller, year orientated groups. She was already encountering a couple of drunk seventh years, who she could only presume had been drinking while the match was going on as well. Maybe it was just because of the anger she was feeling, but she was hugely surprised to find that Thomas wasn't a part of them. She moved past the seventh years and tried to peer over the heads of some fourth year girls, only to find that some fifth year boys obscured her eyes from seeing any further.

Turning around and scanning the crowd over by the fireplace, she was finally able to spot a couple of familiar faces. Lily squashed her way through a group of second years, and said her thanks as Remus passed her a cup of butterbeer.

'Where did the others get to?' Lily asked Remus and Peter, taking a couple mouthfuls of her drink, and obsessively staring over the crowd again.

'Sirius and Marlene are...' Remus looked over the heads of his fellow Gryffindors, 'over by...' he sighed heavily, and Lily could only presume he had spotted them doing something inappropriate.

Peter chuckled, 'No surprise.'

'What?' Lily asked standing on her tiptoes, and wishing she could temporarily grow to Remus' height.

'Over with those fourth years,' Remus squinted slightly, 'I hope Sirius isn't trying to give them girl advice again...'

Lily could only imagine the sort of advice Sirius would give out...

'And Thomas stormed away from us. No idea where he went.' Peter said suddenly, making Lily immediately switch her gaze to Peter, her curiosity spiking.

She nodded and stood on her tiptoes again, even though she already knew this wouldn't help much. Remus gave her a wary look. She wondered if James had told him. Or maybe he had heard the girl's conversation during the Quidditch match too.

'Don't happen to know where James got to, do you?' Remus asked, which somewhat put Lily's mind at ease that Remus didn't know.

'No.' Lily said firmly, 'but I can bet he's off somewhere snogging Kat.' she added under her breath.

Apparently proving not quiet enough, Peter bit down on his top lip, trying to suppress a laugh, 'You don't know?'

Lily turned to him, frowning, 'Don't know what?' Remus looked away and smirked, while Peter exhaled heavily through his nose. 'What?' Lily found herself repeating with more urgency.

'They broke up.' Remus admitted finally.

'They did?' Lily said, shocked. She cleared her throat, 'I mean...they did? When? Why?' She said more calmly, though she knew the boys were savouring this moment and would later retell it to James about how she had asked a thousand questions.

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