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They weren't sure how they ended up alone together, but there they were. Alone and together in the Three Broomsticks awkwardly sipping butterbeer from their glasses.

In truth, their friends had done it on purpose. They'd all slipped away a couple at a time. First it was Alice and Frank, 5 minutes later it was Remus and Peter, another 5 minutes and it was Sirius and Marlene.

'So,' Lily said, looking up from her drink, 'how's quidditch going?'

'What? Oh erm...great.' James replied, suddenly snapping out of his daze from watching a table a few feet away who were obviously on a first date.

Lily awkwardly looked down again. Apparently her attempt to start a conversation wasn't very good.

James' PoV

They were having a little squabble - I don't know what about, but if you're arguing on a first date, it's not a good match. Facts.

...and there was his third mistake. Insulting her. I mean, it wasn't an insult as such, it was something along the lines of 'are you on your period or something?'

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you should never say that to a girl. Never mind on a probably-first-date.

In contrast to popular belief, I really haven't been out with that many girls. Only 3 to be exact: which is nothing compared to Sirius.

The first one lasted for about week in third year - I was trying to make Lily jealous but it didn't work at all. Plus she was sort of annoying.

The second one was also third year. It lasted a few months and just as I was starting to really like her she broke up with me.

The third one was fourth year. This time not to make Lily jealous, but to try and get my mind off her. She clearly hated my guts, and I knew it. I thought it was finally time to let her go, but it obviously didn't work. I knew I was using the girl though: and I don't want anyone to get hurt, so before she got too attached, I had to call it off.

Even though I admittedly flirt with everyone, I have no interest in dating them.

Now the girl at the table was starting to get up while th-

'So, how's quidditch?' Lily interrupted my thoughts.

'What? Oh erm...great.' I say, half distracted.

As I come back into full focus I realise that she might take that the wrong way and think I'm still mad. I turn my head to look at her and she's quite passionately staring into her glass.

'Yeah,' I continue, trying to sound cheerful, 'I think we really have a good team this year. We're definitely going to win the cup.'

'Oh! I don't think I ever congratulated you on becoming captain!'

'Well I suppose we weren't really on friendly terms...but thanks.'

I hope she doesn't take that the wrong way either.

'I really love watching the games and it looks like a lot of fun, but I'm terrified of heights which is obviously a bit of a problem...'

'I'd be happy to help with your fear you know?'

Lily pauses and looks past me for a moment, and I get nervous I've gone too far. Does she think I'm asking her on a date? I'm not. I'm just trying to be friends with her.

Lily's PoV

I can't figure out if he means this as friends or as a date. After everything that's happened recently though, I really don't think he'd ask for a date - even James knows that a bad idea.

'I me-'

'As friends, I know.' I say, knowing he's about he tell me just that. 'Yeah. You're on, Potter.'

'Great.' He smiles, a small, satisfied grin appearing on his face before he can stop it. It quickly fades and comes back. 'Potter?'

It's nice to see him back to his normal self.

'You know what I mean.' I laugh, 'so how about next Sunday?'

'Sure.' His grin not faltering. 'Evans.' He adds, his smile widening if that's even possible.

a/n sorry for taking forever to update!!! i've been SUPER busy and i've had such bad writers block. this chapter isn't the best but i've been trying to write it for almost 2 months and this is the best i can do.

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