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Once potions was over, Lily rushed over to Marlene as she began walking to their next lesson - Charms.

'Hey, Mar.'

Marlene smiled, 'Hey, Lils'

'I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean what I said.' Lily pulled a face to herself, 'well, I sort of did, but it came out wrong.'

'It's fine. You're my best friend and I should be defending you, not him.'

Lily was about to ask Marlene why she was defending James, when they heard several shouts coming from down the corridor.

They both broke into a sprint, pulling their wands out as they ran.

'You want to say that again, Snivellus?' Sirius' voice boomed out.


As they rounded the corner, they saw what was happening.

'Really? Because I don't think you do.' James threatened, talking a step closer and pointing his wand to Snape's neck, pinning him against the wall.

Snape didn't seem faulted, but instead whispered something into James' ear.

Just as Lily was about to step in, James span around to face her, which gave Snape chance to get away. However, Sirius managed to grab his arm before he could.

'You're not going anywhere.'

'Lily! Tell Black to let me go!' Snape demanded, sounding much like a 5 year old.

Instead, she addressed James.

'What are you doing?'

'Snivellus here was just telling us all about what him and all his death-eater friends think about 'blood traitors' and...' James paused and cringed, refusing to ever use the term 'Mudblood'.

James' POV

'Muggleborns.' I finish.

Evans suddenly looked uncomfortable, and I recalled that towards the end of last school year, Snape had called her a Mudblood. She looked stunned and looked to Marlene for help, who had appeared behind her.

'He does kind of deserve it, Lily.'

'Yeah, but...' Lily paused to take a glance at Snape.

As she did, I turned my head to face the foul creature and saw what I supposed was his version of a feel-bad-for-me-face, as he blurted out:

'I'm so sorry. I didn't me-'

Lily cut him off.

'Didn't mean to what? Call me a Mudblood?' I cringed at her using the word, especially to describe herself, 'Save it Se-Snape.' With that she stormed off, Marlene on her tail calling her name.

I can't believe Lily actually used to be friends with the slimeball; I mean come on, when was the last time he showered?

It really hurts me to see her upset, but there's nothing I can do. I know I'm supposed to angry at her, and I need to stop liking her, but it's so hard. Why does she have to be There's no word for it. Or maybe there is and I just need to read a dictionary or something.

'What should we do with him, Prongs?' My train of thought is cut off by Sirius.

'Let him go.' Sirius looks at me with puppy-dog eyes.

'But...but James!' He says, stomping his feet and throwing a fake tantrum.

'We're going to be late.'

'Since when do you care about being late?'

'I don't.'

Sirius let his grip go on Snape, who quickly scampered away.

'Fineee.' Sirius moaned as they began to walk to Charms together.

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