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'I can't believe Wormtail found a date for this thing and you didn't, Moony!' Sirius taunted while putting a profuse amount of gel in his hair. 'That's a bit fucked up to be honest.' He added thoughtfully.

The ball was to start in 10 minutes, and all the students around Hogwarts were bustling around like bees in a hive to get ready. Lessons had been cancelled for the afternoon to allow students time to prepare themselves, though many had only began getting ready with 20 minutes to spare. The next day students would be going home for Christmas, so many people were also trying to pack so that they wouldn't have to in the morning. This added to the huge racket within the castle - plenty of bangs, clangs and booms followed by loud strings of curses sounded from the Gryffindor dorms as people tried to gather their stuff up using magic and failing to do so properly.

As Peter exited the bathroom from his shower though, Sirius shut up.

'No one would want to date me once they knew the truth, Padfoot. We've been over this before plenty of times; and anyway, I'm too much of a danger to them. I'd never forgive myself if I hurt anyone...and thanks to you I almost did.' Remus muttered.

'I told you I'm sorry. It's not like anyone would have missed him though.' Sirius said quietly.

'I think you missed the point, Pads.' James gently pointed out, not wanting to start anything.

Apparently it was too late though.

'Sorry doesn't quite cut it though does it, Sirius! What if James hadn't warned Snape? What if he had gone into the Shrieking Shack and I had killed him! Don't you see that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that had happened? Knowing that I'm a murderer? Your problem is that you just don't think, Sirius! You just do!'

This was strongly reminding James of the exact argument that took place just under a year ago.

'Who did ask you, Wormtail?' James said, quickly changing the subject before the fight could escalate any further. He had been trying and failing to make his hair lie flat for once, which as always, proved an impossible task, so he had knowingly wasted the past half hour doing this instead of something productive. The reason that James didn't know was because he had had his last Quidditch practice last night and had missed the entire ordeal of Peter being asked by some mystery girl.

'You really haven't heard, Prongs? He's been boasting all day and you're gonna love this. She's a Slytherin.' Sirius disapprovingly growled, already riled up from Remus.

'Well not all Slytherins are bad, mate.' James reassured Peter. 'Which one is it?'

'Freya Knight.'

'WHAT?' James' shock made everyone freeze and frantically look towards him in complete confusion. He finally gave up of the task of neatening his hair and sharply turned towards Peter. 'When did she ask you? Last night?'

'Yes, why?' Peter squeaked bewildered and nervous at James' reaction.

'You can't go with her.' He said calmly - a sudden change in tone from his previous words.

'What? Why not?' Peter demanded, suddenly more confident than before. 'I couldn't believe it when someone asked me of all people to go with them. Especially Freya. She's really pretty, isn't she? I've liked her for a while. Maybe she noticed and that's why she asked?' He went off in a dream like trance.

'Traitor.' Sirius sulky muttered.

'No, you don't understand, Peter. She called Lily the 'M' word.'

An emotionless silence fell among the four boys and then all at once-

'How was I-I didn't know, James!' Peter suddenly changed his tone back to being frantic and scared.

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