The Slytherin

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Lily sat alone at breakfast the next day - with Marlene still in the hospital wing, and Alice and Mary not awake yet, she had decided to come down to breakfast early. Her plate was full of a selection of foods, including scrambled eggs, bacon, and beans. While she ate, Lily sat with a book propped open on the table. She was so immersed that she didn't notice all four marauders enter the hall and sit by her.

'Nerding out again?' A voice said behind her shoulder. She didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

'Shut it, Black...what was it you got on your last exam? A P?'

'Actually, Lilykins, I'll have you know it was an A.' He said happily.

'Ooh,' Lily teased. 'That meant to be impress me?'

It did impress her though - she hadn't thought that Sirius was particularly academically smart.

Sirius clicked his tongue. 'I'm not seeing why it shouldn't, really.'

'Hm, actually I've just changed my mind...that does impress me - if you didn't cheat that is.' She have Remus a side look.

'Don't worry, Pads, we love you despite how thick you may be sometimes.' James said supportively, nudging his arm.

'Aww I love you too, Prongs.' Sirius said, placing his hand over his heart like he had been filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and his heart may burst through his chest at any second.

'You two are gross.' Lily fake gagged and continued to eat again.

'You know,' Remus chimes in, 'when he wants to, he can even achieve Es: and without cheating.'

'Hey, Moony, if you don't shut up exposing me like that, you won't live to regret it.' Sirius threatened.

'I'd like to see you try.'

Peter nervously looked between them, frightened that if they were to cursing each other, he would be in the way and be on the receiving end of some of them. His hand shook at he spooned porridge into his mouth, now pretending like he hadn't heard.

'Hey, Evans,' James said suddenly, running his hands through his already wind swept hair, 'Want to help us with something? Another favour?' He asked hopefully, his eyes twinkling. He grabbed a piece of toast and took a bite.

'Depends,' Lily swiftly replied, looking up from her book and around at the four boys, 'you haven't paid me back for the last thing I did yet.'

'So if I do, you'll help us?' James said, a mischievous smile appearing on his face.

Lily had been growing fonder and fonder of James and Sirius (she already knew that Remus and Peter were okay) since she had started hanging around with them about month back after much prompting from Marlene, who insisted they were actually really fun people. Honestly, they weren't all that bad. In a way, she felt sad she hadn't become friends with them quicker.

But still, the almost kiss...the amortentia...

'I guess so.' Lily answered, eyeing James suspiciously. 'But before I do, you can catch me up on potions like you promised.' With that, Lily got up, abandoning her breakfast, and looked pointedly at James, who had just picked up his second piece of toast.

'Whight nwgow?' He asked through a mouthful of toast, 'Cgin I eght irst?'

'Don't eat with your mouth open, that's gross. I have no idea what you just said.'

James swallowed and repeated, 'Right now? Can I eat first?'

'Yes now, or I won't help you out with whatever you were talking about.'

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