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The door to McGonagall's classroom confidently opened at precisely 3:50, and in stepped Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon.

'I don't see why we have to be 10 minutes early, Lily,' Marlene whined, annoyed.

'Because,' Lily smoothly answered as they took their usual seats on the front row, 'it's better three hours too soon than a minute too late.'

Marlene shook her bead slightly, but a small smile played on her lips, 'I still have so much to teach you don't I?'

'So much,' Lily laughed.

'Hey! Don't get all sarcastic with me, Marlene joked, 'but,' she added in fake thought, 'wasn't I the one to teach you sarcasm..?' Marlene let out an over exaggerated cry of pain as Lily shoved her elbow into Marlene's ribs, 'Alright, alright I was just kidding!' she pauses, 'Obviously that was Potter,' Lily elbowed her again, 'Okay, yeah, I deserved that one.'

'Yeah, you did,' Lily laughed while Marlene sulked.

Lily's laughter was cut short though, as the door to the classroom swung open and McGonagall entered, an angry fire burning beneath her eyes. Behind her, James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter followed: presumably the sole reasons for her anger.

A smirking James and Sirius placed themselves at the desks right behind Lily, and Marlene, while a tired looking Remus and confused looking Peter took the ones next to them on the front row.

'Right,' McGonagall started, but was quickly interrupted by Sirius.

'We didn't technically do anything wrong, Minnie. Do you really think Remus would condone it if it broke any rules?'

'You were caught red-handed throwing dungbombs at the Slytherins!' McGonagall exclaimed.

'True, but-'

'Pads, there's no getting out of this one,' Remus simply stated.

'But you said-'

'I said if we didn't get caught, which we did.'

'Well if Peter hadn't been fucking-'

'Language, Black!' McGonagall interrupted, and before anything else could be said, she explained what they were doing, '2 of you will be staying here with me, each writing an essay which explains the process of transforming an inanimate object into a living thing, while the other 4 will go down to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid.'

'Professor, if you don't mind, I'd like to stay here,' Remus said, rubbing his eyes tiredly and quickly glancing at the clock.

'Me too,' Peter quickly followed.

'Alright, I trust you other 4 are responsible enough to escort yourselves down to Hagrid's cabin? Or do you need to be supervised?'

'We'll be fine, Professor.' Lily answered as herself, Marlene, James, and Sirius all got up to leave.

James' POV
'I'm curious, Evans,' I began almost as soon as McGonagall's door shut behind us 'how did Little Miss Perfect find herself in detention?'

'Surprised you don't already know, since you practically stalk me? But I understand that a brain as small as yours struggles sometimes.'

'Hey! I'll have you know my brain is of average size thank you very much.'

'Can never be too sure though can you, really? And anyway, I for one think it's boring to be average - being below average is much more interesting than being the same as everyone else, is it not?'

'Wise words, Evans, wise words.' I agree, pushing the entrance door open, 'You first m'lady'. She gives a brief smile, then probably realises what she's doing because she quickly looks away and steps into the cold night air.

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