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Shit, shit, shit.

How could it be James? How could that make any sense when she had spent the best part of 6 years hating him? Maybe she had remembered the smell wrong?

It didn't mean it had to happen though, did it? Though they hadn't yet learnt how to cast a Patronus, Lily knew that the shape of one could change for three reasons: if the person suffered loss, if they fell in love, or if they had a great change in personality. So, maybe amortentia was the same and her tastes could change.

It wasn't like they were soulmates or anything.

Maybe she knew someone else who uses that cologne.

'Lily, you coming?' Alice asked, popping her head into the girls dorms where Lily was sat cross legged on her bed trying to focus on studying and ultimately failing.

'Uh...I'm busy, sorry.'

Alice came into the room and sat on the bottom of Lily's bed, cross legged opposite her.

'You've been off all day, Lils. Is everything okay? You know you can talk to me about anything.'

'Yeah, of course it is,' Lily smiled. 'Why wouldn't it be?'

'I think I know what this is about, Lily.'

Shit, shit, shit.

'It's Marlene, isn't it?'


'Yeah...I'm just worried...we still don't know what happened.' Lily lied.

'She's going to be fine, she said so herself didn't she? 4 more days and she'll be out. Plus...she'd want you to have fun, you can't deny that, so come on and we can fill her in on all the gossip afterwards.' Alice stood up and held out her hand to Lily.

'Okay.' Lily said, taking her hand, even though she really couldn't be in the same room as James right now.

When they arrived in the common room, everyone (James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and Mary) were sitting in a circle on the floor. Alice dragged Lily over to where Mary was sitting and they both sat. By the time Lily had sat down though, it was too late to realise she was right opposite James.

In the centre of the circle, someone had placed firewhiskey bottles.

'Right!' Sirius began enthusiastically, 'Now Lilykins has finally decided to show, I'll start!'

'What are we playing, exactly?' Mary challenges him.

'Truth or dare. Obviously.' Sirius dramatically scoffs.

'Not again. Can't we play something different for once?'

'What do you mean? Truth or dare is elite game!'

'How about spin the bottle?' Alice suggests.

Lily death glared Alice, but didn't say anything. Her eyes briefly fleeted over to James, who immediately moved his eyes away from her, and subconsciously raked his fingers through his already messy hair.

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