Potion Partners

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'Ugh. I've got double herbology today.' Mary MacDonald complained, flicking some of her mousy brown hair behind her shoulder and peering round at her 3 best friends - Lily Marlene and Alice.

'We've got double potions.' Alice announced, gesturing at herself, Lily, and Marlene.

'What's up with you two?' Mary asks, pointing her fork between Lily and Marlene who were sitting opposite each other, both looking awkward.

Lily and Marlene steal a look at each other, neither sure how to answer, or who should answer.

'Nothing?' Marlene answered, except it came out as more of a question as she fixed her gaze on Lily, attempting a smile.

'Yeah. Nothing.' Lily said, returning Marlene's smile with a small nod.

There. They were friends again.

Alice shuffled around in her seat a little before whispering 'What's up with James?'

All four of them stole a quick glance at James, who was pushing his food around on his plate, not joining in with any conversation.

It was stupid move for them all to look at the same time, because as they did, James looked up at them, made brief eye contact with Lily, and quickly looked back down again.

Lily looked at Marlene, sure she might know something about it, but Marlene still has her eyes focused on James. Did Marlene tell him what had gone on the previous night?

Alice turned back to her friends, seemingly bewildered, before they decided to head off to their first lessons. Lily, Marlene, and Alice headed off to potions, while Mary went to herbology.

It was a foggy Monday morning in mid November when Slughorn announced that he would be putting them in partners that they would stay in for the rest of the year. There were several groans since they weren't allowed to choose their own.

'Sirius and Marlene.'
'Severus and Mulciber.'
'Alice and Remus.'
'Peter and Avery.'
'James and Lily.'

James stopped listening after that. So did Lily.

It's hard to say who wished they could switch partners more. Of course James would have usually been over the moon - he'd never pass down the opportunity to spend time with Lily - but not anymore. She wanted nothing to do with him.

'Of course,' Lily thought silently to herself as she got up to her assigned seat next to James. 'just what I needed.'

'And today, class, we will be brewing amortentia.' Slughorn continued.

Excited whispers filled the room as Slughorn took the top off a cauldron that sat on his desk to reveal a pink, shimmering liquid.

'Can anyone tell me what amortentia does?'

A couple hands shot up, including Lily's and Remus'.

'Ah. Let's see..' Slughorn said, scanning the room 'Remus.'

'It's one of the most powerful love potions. It smells different to everyone according to what attracts them. It can, however, become quite addictive.'

At his words, several students started to lean forward, hoping to catch a whiff of the sweet scent.

'Wonderful. 5 points to Gryffindor.' Slughorn chuckled, placing the lid back onto the cauldron, 'Now, do we have any volunteers to tell us what they smelt?.'

No one offered themselves up.

'That's alright. It can be quite personal.' Slughorn said, while pacing the room and stopping at the board to scribble down the words 'amortentia, page 278' in his messy writing.

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