Sirius' Secret

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James' POV

'So,' Sirius managed to get out through a mouthful of mashed potatoes later that day at the feast, 'whit dees yoall smahll in de amostnia?'

'For Merlin's sake Sirius, stop talking with your mouth full!' Remus scolded.

Sirius made a dramatic gulping sound as he swallowed the remainder of what was in his mouth.

'Sorry mum.' Remus rolls his eyes, Peter snickers, and I just look at him: not in the mood to make some snarky comment back. 'Or should I say moomy?'

He laughs at his own pun. Typical Sirius.

'What did you guys smell in the amortentia?' He repeats.

Peter frantically looks between me and Remus, obviously hoping one of us would somehow have a way of bailing out of the question.

I wish I did.

'I think we all know what Prongsie here smelt. Or should I say WHO.' Sirius added with a wink while prodding me with his fork.

I looked down at my plate, feeling  a whisper of shame for some reason. It feels wrong that I lov-like her, while she hates me. It feels wrong that I could smell her in the amortentia.

I need to give up.

I can't.

But I have to.

I suppose Remus noticed my face fall because after a glance at me, he changed the topic - or tried to - by asking about our next prank.

Peter leaned in, a look of pure excitement on his face. He wasn't particularly involved in the making of our pranks. I mean, he did help, but not really. All that aside though, he was a Marauder.

'Not so fast, Moony.' Sirius quickly reverted, 'I bet yo-'

But whatever he was about to say, I never found out, because at the other end of the table, McKinnon had suddenly screeched.

When I say screeched, I mean that thing girls do when they're excited or find out something, she was now looking rather embarrassed at herself and covered her face from those trying to see what was going on.

Her friends that sat around her - Evans and Prewett - were giggling, slightly red faced.

Lily's POV

At the news, Marlene stood up and let out an excited screech, while me and Alice sat there giggling.

The whole of the Great Hall was now staring us - at her - so she sat down as quickly as she had stood up, and covered her face with the sleeves of her robes.

Soon, everyone went back to their meals and when she felt it was safe, Marlene nervously looked up. When she realised people were no longer staring, she whisper shouted 'a fifth year Ravenclaw!'

Me and Alice just nodded, not bothering to hide our grins.

'Saw them going off into a broom cupboard together! Didn't we Ali?'

'Yepp. Didn't believe it was Mary at first!'

Marlene gasped and went back to eating, occasionally shooting me and Alice faces of disbelief.

When all three of us were done, we decided to head off to the common room to finish off some homework before bed.

When I was almost done with my Divination homework - Merlin, why did I take that class? - the Marauders made their way into the common room, looking as snarky as ever.

Well, that is except Potter. He still looked...sad?

Wait. Why am I paying so much attention to him?

As soon as Sirius noticed me, he strutted over - yes, strutted - and placed himself right next to me on the sofa. He put his arm around my shoulders, and after failing to shrug it off, I came out with:

'Do you mind, Black?'

'Not at all my sweet Lily-pad.'

I rolled my eyes and shoved his arm away. He faked offence.

'Lily!' He exclaimed, in an over exaggerated sigh.

'Black!' I say back, matching his tone.

'Aw, come on. You can call me Sirius.' 

'I think I'll pass.' I say, getting back to my work, but when he doesn't move, I say 'Shouldn't you be with your friends?'

He ignores my question and I feel him lean closer to me, and I feel his warm breath on me. I don't turn to look at him at first, instead I do a quick scan of the room to spot his friends. When I do, I find them standing near the entrance to the boys dormitories. Remus - I call him by his first name since we have prefect duties together and he's actually a decent person - and Pettigrew are in the middle of a conversation while Potter is staring over at me and Black. Is he...jealous? ...or did he put Black up to this?

I turn my head to face Black, my hair smacking him because of how close he is.

'What?' I snap.

'Never mind.' He says, before getting up and returning to his friends.

He leaves me confused about what he was about to tell me? Was it about Jam- err...Potter?

Why do my thoughts keep returning to Potter, anyway? I don't like him.

I don't like him. What? I don't.

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