Chapter 28

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Malena POV

Christian came back and sat in front of me. I looked at him and surprisingly he was eating his food without giving me a look.

I cleared my throat and asked him "so how is the son of your maid doing?"

He raised his head and looked at me and then answered "yeah, he's doing fine. Doctor said he had little fever and that's all"

"Oh, but didn't you say, it was her daughter. Now you are saying son" I raised my eyebrows.

His hands stopped and he chocked on his food. Perfect.
He coughed continuously and I passed him the water which he gladly accepts.

After some minutes of choking, drinking and staring at the food he finally spoke.
"I lied to you, I wanted you to stay with me but now I'm regretting" he said and I frowned.

"Regret? Why? Did I do something?" I asked nervously.

"No, you didn't but... Seeing you dressed in my shirt, standing in front of me half naked and I can''s hard for me" he sighed and finally looked into my eyes.

"I... I have nothing to say" I looked at him. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked him.

"No, I know it's weird but this is the truth. You drive me crazy Malena" he said and I just nodded. I was lost of words.

After having our dinner I tried to help him but he just ordered me to sit silently.

After the dishes were done, we decided to watch a movie... Again.

"So again fifty shades?" he teased.

"Shut up, just play any decent movie" I said and he smiled. After the movie started he came back with a blanket and scooped me on his laps. We both cuddled for I didn't know how many hours. The last thing I remembered was Christian picking me up and laying me down.


Something bright hit my eyes. I groaned as I turned my head to the other side getting comfortable. The surface I was laying on was... moving?

I lazily opened my eyes to find my head on Christian's chest, his hands wrapped around my waist and our legs intertwined. I took couple of minutes to compliment his peaceful sleeping face.

My inner voice shouted to touch him but I didn't want to ruin his sleep so I decided to get up.

I went to the bathroom did my business and came back to sleep. I slipped in the blanket and hugged Christian and closed my eyes. But the sleep disappeared. I opened my eyes and sat on the bed.

Did you ever feel too lazy to get up but lazier to sleep either because that was what was happening to me.

"What happened sunshine?" Christian opened his eyes and said in his morning voice which was sexy af.

"Nothing I just woke up and didn't want to get up" I shrugged my shoulders.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. My head hit his chest and he hugged me tightly.
"Then just stay like this" he said kissing my hair.

I hugged him back and we stayed like this for a while before we both decided to get up.

After we got up Christian again invited me for a shower which I happily rejected.

After showering and wearing the same clothes again... which was gross but there was no other option.

I decided to leave and Christian gave me a ride even after saying no to him.

When I reached the apartment, Rachel was not there so I went in my room. After changing my clothes, I searched something in the fridge and ate.

My phone buzzed and I saw Sean's message. F*ck i forgot about this.

I hope you didn't forget that today we are supposed to meet *cough* which is a date for me

Date? Was this supposed to be a date? He asked me to meet I thought we were hanging out.

Maybe I would clear it when we would meet.

I'll pick you up at 7pm, be ready;)


I wore a black dress and simple makeup.
Sean was waiting for me, we get in the car and he drove to some deserted place.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.
"My favorite restaurant. I used to go there often" he told me with a beautiful smile on his face.

I looked out of the window and this place was little familiar for me. When he stopped I saw a small restaurant there and a garden next to that restaurant.

We went in and ordered.

"I'm very happy that you came with me. This is the best moment of my life, Malena. Trust me" he said sincerely.

"Sean I want to s-" I was interrupted by the waiter. He brought our meal and I decided to tell him after the dinner.

After our dinner Sean took me to the garden where we talked about various things.

"Sean I wanted to say something" I said patiently noticing his every move.

"Yeah?" I saw him frown.

"I am dating someone else. I came out with you because I thought we are just hanging out as a friend. I don't want you to have some other idea. So if I gave you any oth-" Sean interrupted me and replied.

"Okay, Malena I got it. No need to say more..." he said and we both went back to the car. He drove me back to my apartment. I was about to leave but he stopped me.
I turned and he said "I hope we can still be friends"

I smiled and nodded.

"Bye Sean" I left the car.

I entered my house and Rachel is still not here. I texted her and she replied after an hour that she was out with her friend so she'll be late.

I went to bed thinking about the day and my date with Christian.

How he always makes me happy. It was only one date and I was so lost in him. Was it normal?


I know this is not the best chapter I have written but still please do

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