Chapter 36

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Malena POV

"Why are we here?" I asked him looking around the basketball court.

"We are here to play love" he said picking up the basketball and throwing it towards me.

I dodged the ball and said "I don't know how to play neither do I want to"

"Love, don't be like this. We need to enjoy. Aren't you exhausted after sitting at the same place for a week?"

He picked the ball and again threw it to me. But this time I caught it.

"So let's do this, if you win I'll do anything you want if I win you'll do anything I want" he said offering me a smile.

"Fine then if I win you'll leave me alone" I challenged him which he nodded.

The game started and I tried my best to throw the ball in the basket but it missed. I reached the ball but before I had another chance the ball was gone. I looked around and then I realized Noah had it. I didn't even realize the ball was gone.

I ran to him trying to take the ball but his back was facing me. He was too good and I was just a beginner.

And like that the ball was in the basket.
"Not fair, you are too good" I complained.

"Love I'm not good, it's just you're too bad" he laughed.

How dare he, I took some big steps towards him and snatched the ball from him.

"Hey that's not how you do it" he shouted.

"I don't care" I said and again tried to throw the ball but it missed again. It was irritating... It looked so simple but it was not.

"I can just stay here watching you try" he laughed.

I again tried but no soon I got annoyed and passed him the ball.

"I'm not playing" I said angrily and started walking towards the car.

"You're leaving?" he shouted running to me.

"I don't want to play" I yelled and closed the door of the car.

He came in the car and closed the door.

"Fine then I won" he said smirking at me.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyingly.

"That I'll tell you later but right now we are going to eat something. I'm starving" he said starting the car.


"Street this place" he said parking his car.

I stared at him...this guy likes street food?

"What? Don't tell me you were expecting some expensive restaurant and if you were then sorry love but no it's not" he said getting out of the car.

I stayed in the car thinking it was a joke. I meant he really liked street food... I loved street food but it caught me off guard when he said he loved it.

He knocked on the window telling me to come out which I did.

"I never thought you liked street food" I said honestly.

"Why? What's wrong with me liking street food?" he asked frowning.

"I mean, you're rich and ri-" I was about to say but he just shushed me.

"That's where you're wrong love" he said taking me to a food van.

"This one is my favorite, have you tried Katsu Wrap?" he asked but before I could answer he replied "no you haven't"

I decided to stay quiet. After getting whatever it was, we both sat in the car.

I took a bite and it was amazing. Literally amazing.

"Do you know I used to come here when I lived here" he said taking a bite.

"Then why you left this country?" I asked. Surprisingly I was curious.

"Do you know why I helped? Why I brought you here?" he asked.

"So that you can sell my kidneys and earn money?" I was shocked like him when I joked. After that depressing week this was the first time I talked so normally.

"No, because you look like my girlfriend. You both are very similar" he said looking out his window.

"Where is she now? Your girlfriend?" I asked.

"She died last year in an accident. We used to come here a lot and this was her favorite too" he said looking at his food. "Once she told me to take her to Paris but I was so busy in my work that I just postponed the schedule. And then I never got the chance to... I am guilty too. I'm guilty for not taking her to her dream location and now I can't even erase that guilt because it's not possible. I have lost her..."

I just nodded because I was speechless.

"You said your boyfriend is hurt because of you. But did you think how much do you affect him. How much power do you have on him. He's still hurt because he still feels for you. He still loves you... I lost the chance of making up to my girlfriend but you still have one which you're just wasting" he said.

"I love him that is why it hurts more because he was hurt because of me" I said and he looked at me.

His hand reached to my strand of hair and he tucked it behind my ear.

"That is why you have to go back. Love him more than you hurt him. Make it up to him for all you did before it's too late" he said and I nodded.

He parked the car in front of the house and I went in my room to pack.

Noah POV

"So how was your date?" Victoria whispered next to me.

"It wasn't a date and we are leaving" I told her.

"So soon why?" she asked, dissapointed.

"Well, she grew some brain and decided to go back to her boyfriend" I told her and looked at Malena with her luggage.

"You wait in the car till I say bye to Victoria" I turned towards Malena and she nodded and hugged Victoria.

"So you're letting the girl you like leave?" she asked when Malena left.

"The girl I liked was already lost when I met her that night. She's not the girl whom I brought here, she had already lost that carefree look, her cheerfulness, the sweet and innocent smile she gives which makes you forget your problems. But I'm going to bring that girl back even if that means loosing her" I said my final goodbye to Victoria and kissed her forehead.

I headed in the car to look at Malena who was busy thinking about her boyfriend I guessed.

I drove while thinking about the day I met this woman. The way she was looking so happy, carefree, positive reminded me of my girlfriend. I knew it wasn't love but I had some attraction towards her. I thought bringing her with me will be good chance to know her and maybe she'll move on but I was wrong. The girl I liked already love someone else....


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