Chapter 27

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Malena POV

"What are you doing?" I whispered still breathless by that sudden grabbing incident.

"Making some 'us' time. I thought it was nice idea to bring you here but who knew that you'll forget me after coming here" he pouted.

"Christian don't be a kid. I love these kids and I was enjoying and I didn't forget you" I answered.

"I don't care, now we have our us time" he said and gently kissed me. His lips sucked my bottom lips and then he bit it. I gasped and he slid his tongue in my mouth exploring it. Soon the kiss turned passionate and we both were fighting for dominance. Christian's hand went inside my top and he started massaging my right br*ast while my fingers were combing his hairs.

He hoisted me and wrapped my legs around his waist. Our kiss was turning more passionate, intense and hotter. I could feel his length poking my butt but our "innocent" making out session was interrupted by some kid's giggling.

I stopped abruptly and peeked over Christian's shoulder to find two kids standing next to the door.

I jumped and adjusted my top and my hair.

"I told you not to make noise. Look now they saw us" one of the kid said whose name was Mary?... Maybe

"But what were they doing?" the other asked who was smaller than the other one maybe five years old.

"They were kissing. Aunt Jenna says that two people kiss when they love each other" Mary told her.

My face was red and I didn't know what to tell them.
I peeked at Christian and find him smirking at me on which he earned a smack from me. A*shole.

"Do you love each other?" the second kid asked.

Christian went to her and bent on his knee.
"Yes sweetie I love her and someone will love you too" he said patting her head.
She smiled and kissed his cheek.

He was such a ge- Wait, he said he loved me? No of course not... I shouldn't act so stupid.

The kids went back and soon the game ended.

Christian and I went back to the car after saying our goodbyes and promised to come back later.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Amazing, thanks to you" I said.

"You can drop me to Rachel's apartment because I still haven't shifted to my new apartment" I informed him and he just nodded.

I felt dissapointed that the date ended and I was going to miss him and this day.
Looks like I'm falling for him... Hard.

"I'm going to stop here for a while so I can get something to cook for me" he told me and I nodded. He stopped the car and then sat still. I waited for him to get out but he was still sitting.

"Umm... Aren't you going out?" I asked.

"Yeah, but now I changed my mind. I think I'll just order pizza for dinner" he said and started driving. I just nodded.

There was nothing but silence in the car so I took the initiative to start the conversation.

"Pizza for dinner?" I asked.

"Yeah, my maid is in the hospital, her daughter is not well so no one is there to cook for me" he said too sadly. It was fine it was just one day no need to be so over dramatic.


"It's different that I don't like pizza that much but it's fine" he sighed.

And here came me and my generosity.

"I can cook for you if you don't mind" I offered.

"Really thank you so much. I knew you would never want me to suffer" he said excitedly. Was he a bipolar?

We reached his apartment and hell.... It also screamed 'you can't afford it'
After arrival of Christian in my life I was encountering these 'you can't afford it' things a lot.

I stepped in and saw the huge led TV, branded sofa and luxurious things surrounding me. It looked like I was the dirt in this house who needed to swipe out right now.

"So this is my house and there is the guest room in case you need anything or want to use washroom. And there... Is my room in case you want to do some dirty things" he winked and I scrunched my nose in that thought. "I'm going to take a shower and you're more than welcome to join me. By the way you can go and take a shower too in the guest room or with me" he smiled.

"I'll take a shower in the guest room, then I'll think about preparing something for you" I said and went in the guest room.

I stepped in the shower and stripped, after taking the shower I wrapped the towel around me and then I realized. I didn't have any clothes, f*ck!

I stepped out of my room and found Christian on the sofa watching TV.

I tapped on his shoulder and he turned around and looked at my  naked body that was covered by a mere towel.

"If you're done checking me out then I can trouble you to lend me one of your shirt or hoodie?" I said with a straight face.

He just gulped and I noticed his Adam's apple move up and down. He nodded and went in his room.

"I hope this can work" he said clearing his throat.
I mumbled a thank and went inside my room. It was a white dress shirt. After changing I checked myself in the mirror and great. My black bra was clearly visible in this white shirt which reached my mid thigh.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my room. I noticed Christian's eye roamed all over my body before it stopped on my chest.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked uncomfortably. He noticed my discomfort as he shifted his gaze on something else.

"Anything is great" he said and I went to the kitchen.

I decided to make Carbonara because I was craving for it since days and I never had time to make it myself and second because Christian doesn't have any reason to say no.

I started finding the ingredients and I saw Christian went in his room.
After some minutes a phone rings and I wait for Christian to pick it up but he doesn't come out of his room so I went there to pick it up. I know too much confidence.


"Sir, I have kept all the ingredients in the fridge. You can make anything from them or if you want something else you can tell me I can bring them to you" the lady on the other side said.

"Sorry this is not Christian. I'm his secretary" I informed her.

"Oh, my bad. You can just forward this message to him that ingredients are there, he can cook for himself" she told me.

"But he doesn't know how to cook and may I know who you are?" I asked.

"I am his maid. I know him. He knows how to cook even though I cook for him but today he gave me a day off so I can't" she said.

"Oh... Okay I'll tell him this" I said politely and hung up the phone.

Why did he lie? Or maybe I knew why. A*shole...


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