Chapter 37

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Malena POV

"So you're telling me that you were in London without your phone with a stranger?" Andrea repeated after listening to what happened that night.

"Yeah" I said hesitantly.

"No sh* went with a stranger what if he did something to you" Andrea shouted... Now that was the Andrea I knew.

"If you don't know then lemme tell you I'm still here" Noah grabbed her attention on which she glared at him.

"Well he didn't and at that time I wasn't thinking I just wanted to leave" I gave her my cutest look and she sighed.

Her phone buzzed and she read the text.

"Caleb sent me the address. Let's go and bring your psycho boyfriend back" she cheered and I was about to leave before Selena stopped me.

Oh and by the way I met Selena just now and she was amazing.

"You're not going in this, change your clothes wear something sexy" she advised which I didn't think was appropriate.

"I'm going to apologize not to hook up with him" I said.

"Who knows what happens after the apology and come on who knows if some girl catches his eyes before you do. So get a sexy dress and put it on" she commanded and shove me to my room.

I noticed my clothes which were nice but not sexy except the black one.

I chose it and changed my clothes. It was a bodycon dress which ended just below my butt and it had a deep v neck, this was the reason I never wore it. It was too sexy for me.

I came out and everyone's jaw were on the floor.

"Don't tell me I look so weird" I prayed.

"Love, I knew you had something in you" Noah winked on which I rolled my eyes.

"Okay so let's go" Andrea shouted.

"Noah what about you? Are you coming?" I asked on my way.

"No way, I am not interested in seeing you begging your boyfriend to take you back" he chuckled.

"Hey come on have some fun, you're coming" Selena joined our conversation.

"No, love I have better work to do" he said getting in his car.

As I was getting in the car Andrea said "what is she doing?"

I looked at the way she pointed and I saw Selena getting in Noah's car.

"Does she have a thing for him?" I asked curiously.

"Who knows but let's just go. Maybe she'll come in his car or maybe they'll go somewhere else" Andrea said driving away.

After we reached the club my heartbeat started fastening and my speed slowed down.

"Hey come on, have some guts" Andrea pushed me in and I saw people dancing, some couple making out and some were about to rip each others clothes. I tore my gaze from others and started looking for Christian.

I saw Caleb waving at me and I made my way to him.
"Thank god you're back, he's over there go" he said and I looked at the way.

Christian was sitting on the couch alone, drinking. I noticed other women's prying eyes on him which made my blood boiled. Whoa possession, that was new for me.

I stopped in front of Christian and looked at him. He saw me but didn't say anything.

"Hey" I thought to take the initiative to speak but he ignored me.

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