Chapter 3

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Malena POV

I just received the call from Perez company and I was employed as his secretary. I didn't even do anything great. He just asked me useless questions.

How could this be true? Did Christian recognize me? Or else why?

But did I want to work with him? Maybe I didn't have any other choice.

I got ready and wore my cream colored top and a pencil skirt which stopped above my knees. I tied my hair in a ponytail tail making my attire look professional.

I looked at my watch when I realised it was already 7:45am. I had to reach at 8am sharp. I ran to my door without even having breakfast. My poor stomach, I didn't know when I was gonna have lunch...

Parking my car, I looked at my watch, it was 7:59am.
I ran towards the elevator which caught many people's attention. As I reached the elevator I pressed the button thousands of times.

"I hope you're not gonna break it" a voice startled me as I turned guiltily to find Christian looking at me amusingly.

I failed to find amusement in my situation.

"I guess you're late Ms Wells" he said in a fake mocking tone,looking at his 'I cannot afford this' watch.

"I was stuck in the traffic Mr Perez" I lied.

"Well the place where you live I don't think there was any traffic on the way Ms Wells"

"I'm sorry sir" I said softly, looking at the floor.

He held my hand and dragged me to the private elevator. He pressed the button and we waited for the elevator in an awkward silence.

"You can take this elevator. I don't want my secretary to use the elevator others use" he said blankly while I just nodded.

As we were waiting my stomach betrayed me when it growled. Embarrassment surrounded me. I suddenly wanted to dig a hole and hide myself in it from everyone... From Christian.

I kept staring at the ground not daring to look at Christian.

"You didn't eat anything?" he asked sighing.

I remained silent staring the ground. He then grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him.

Why this guy liked to drag me everywhere with him?

We reached the parking lot and he told me to get inside his 'you cannot afford this even' car.

"Are we going somewhere? I don't think you have any meeting." Still no answer.
"Is there something you want to do?"

He didn't even shake or nod his head. How rude!

We stopped in front of a fancy restaurant and yes I couldn't afford this too.

He literally dragged me inside. I saw people sitting and talking to each other. Their manners, clothes and everything were beyond my level.

I saw Christian talking to some person maybe the manager or something but yes the restaurant's employee.

When we reached to our table I realised there was no one sitting near us. Did he book the whole floor? Or are people too scared to sit next to him?

I looked at him confusingly. He pointed to the menu in front of me and said "order whatever you want to."

Was he talking to me? I looked around but there was not a single soul except me.

"You want me to order?" he asked again, pretty annoyed.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked finally.

"No" he scowled.

"Then why sir?" I asked softly.

"Let me make it clear Ms Wells. Never miss any of your meal for the so called work" he said looking at the menu and ordered for me.

As the waitress brought me my breakfast, I quickly ate it to save myself from the awkwardness.

The moment I finished I found Christian looking at me like I had grown two heads.

A sudden attack of self consciousness hit me when I wiped my mouth in case there was something on my mouth.

"Malena..." he said my name again and it was hell sexy. I would pay dollars to hear my name from him, oh wait... I was broke.

The waitress interrupted our wordless conversation by putting the bill on the table. I reached for my purse to pay but Christian already paid for it.

"Sir, I was going to pay" I said.

"But I paid" he smirked giving me chills to my body.

"Let's go" he said.

I followed him wordlessly.

During the whole drive no words were exchanged till we reached to his office.

He showed me my room. I took a look at the files and then started reviewing them.

After an hour or two I got a call which I picked up to hear a voice of a female.

"Hello, Perez Pvt Limited I'm Malena Wells, Mr Perez's secretary" I said professionally but the woman was too rude to reply sweetly.

"Where is Christian?"

"May I know who am I talking to?" I asked politely ignoring the rudeness.

"Tell Christian to pick my calls. And tell him now that I want to meet him and I am coming to meet him" she yelled. But why me?

"Ma'am may I know your name?"

"Lexy Rosewood" she replied arrogantly.

"Okay ma'am I'll tell Mr-" she hung up the phone before I replied.

Lexy Rosewood?

I knocked on the door and went inside to find Christian doing his work. His coat was hanging on the back of his seat and his tie was loose. The top three buttons were unbuttoned giving me a view that was worth watching.

"Yes, Ms Wells?" he smirked.

I cleared my throat and said "Some Lexy Rosewood called and told me that she is coming to meet you. And she even said that she wants you to pick up her calls"

I noticed his expressions changed. His hands curled into fist as he nodded and I left. But who was this Lexy Rosewood?

As I came out of the room I bumped into a woman which made me loose my balance and I fell on the floor.

I looked up and saw the famous Hollywood actress Lexy Rosewood.

F*ck... Was she the one who called me?

"You b*tch get away and let me go inside" she yelled.

Rude enough!

I got up and moved.

I wondered what was happening inside?

Sometimes my mind told me to peak inside but then I brushed the thought away.

I didn't care about him and his life.


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