Chapter 16

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Malena POV

"Oh my god... Oh my god Christian... We are flying" I shouted, grabbing his hand.

"Calm down, girl. Don't squeeze my hand too hard" he laughed.

"It's not funny" I scolded.

"Look we are flying... Look there, the mountains" he pointed to a mountain covered with greenery.

The view was spectacular. It was one of those moments in my life I would never forget.

As we moved ahead I saw the waterfall we went yesterday.
"Christian, look we were there yesterday" I looked at him and saw him clicking my pictures.

"What are you doing?" I asked covering my face which made him chuckle.

"Memories" he answered removing my hands from my face. "Look at that" he pointed to the other mountains.

We were flying between the mountains which sent chills to my body as I got scared by the thought of the helicopter colliding with the mountains. Why was I so negative?

"That is Manawaiopuna Falls" Christian pointed. The beauty of the nature... The view and everything was indescribable. I would obviously miss when I would return.

"So how are feeling?" Christian asked me out of blue.

"I... I'm happy, very happy" I said. "But why?" I asked him.

"What?" he looked at me while touching my cheeks.

"Why do you care about my feelings?" I asked leaning towards his touch.

"Just..." he said and picked up the camera and started clicking the pictures, avoiding my question.

A doubt of Christian liking me crossed my mind but it was suppressed by the explanation my mind gave after. What if he was doing out of guilt?

I shook my head preventing these thoughts and just concentrated on the moment. Right now, I was happy and the only reason was Christian.

When we got to the ground it was a little dizzy. Christian put his arms around me securely and I accepted his help happily.

After we reached the hotel, I sat down and took a deep breathe.
"You okay?" Christian asked, concerned. He brought water bottle and gave it to me. I thanked him and drank.

"You know that was the best. Thank you so much. I loved it a lot and when we were flying over the ocean it was so amazing. Did you see that beach it was so beautiful. I imagine how would it see in the night time..." I continued my story for maybe half an hour. And he just listened to me quietly, nodding his head.

"You listening right?" I asked him. He just stared at me.

"Christian" I yelled.

"Yeah?" he flinched.

"You're not listening. Was I just talking to myself. You can't be serius" I scolded him.

"I was listening" he defended himself.

"What was the last sentence I said?" I asked folding my arms.

"What was the last sentence I said" he replied coolly.

"Before that sentence" I asked getting little annoyed.

"What was the la-" he said but I hit him on the arm to shut his mouth.

"You are really impossible" I said, walking to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge to find something to eat but stopped when I felt Christian's arm snaked around my waist. His hot breath making my neck itchy. I turned and saw him smiling boyishly.

Aww... He is cute. But I kept a poker face.

"What?" I asked him.

"I was listening to you" he lied... again.

I raised my eyebrows "really?"

"Okay, fine. But I was busy staring at your beautiful face" he said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

He looked at me and started leaning further. I closed my eyes and felt his lips on my but the bell rang and I pushed him away.

I ran to the door and found Caleb, Andrea and Dean.
"What are you doing? We have to leave? Everyone are waiting for you" Andrea yelled.

"And where is Christian" Caleb asked.

"I'm here" Christian stood behind me.

Caleb gave a knowing smirked and continued "hurry up, today is the last day and I guess you both don't want to miss it"

"So where are we going?" Dean asked standing next to me.
I looked at him and smiled.

"As we don't have time so we can't explore many places so we are going to do some adventure" he said.

"And that is?" Andrea asked impatiently.

"Zip line" he shouted in her ear. She just smacked his arm.

"Zip line?" I asked Dean.
He nodded explaining about it. "You need courage for it. But you don't look that brave" he mocked.

"You don't know how brave I am actually" I bragged. He laughed making me laugh too.

When we reached there, I was terrified. It was so high and it had a large distance. I couldn't do this for sure. I stepped back only to hit my back at Christian's chest.

"Don't worry we'll do it together" he said.

"No I'm not doing this" I refused.

"Yes we are" he said stubbornly.

"Malena, I'm going... I'll miss you. Hope we'll meet in heaven" Andrea shouted dramatically.

"I hope so, actually chances of going to hell are more" I replied earning a scowl from her.

"You're going right?" Dean asked and Christian rolled his eyes. What was his problem?

"No I don't think so. I can't" I said.

"You said you'll" he said.

"Yes but now I changed my mind. You go" I said pushing him.

"Fine take care baby" he said.

And here he went. Jesus, weren't people scared that the ropes would break or something.

Christian held my hand and said "you're going"

"No I'm not" I said trying to release my hand from his grip.

"We'll go together" he said.

"Christian look, I can't" I  begged.

He dragged me and said "Malena, you have to trust me" he cupped my face.

"I trust you but I don't trust these wires" I said and the worker who worked there looked at me.
"Come on" Christian said and I didn't know why but I nodded.

The person tied me with ropes and other things. He just connected Christian's and my wires and here we go.

"Christian I hate you" I shouted, closing my eyes.

"Open your eyes, Malena and look" he said. Didn't know how he knew my eyes were closed.

I opened my eyes and saw the mountains, greenery and the height which made me dizzy.

"Malena" he shouted.

"What?" I shouted back.

"Dean isn't your boyfriend, is he?" he shouted.

"What?" I whispered.

"No need to say... I know the answer" he said as we reached the other tower. The worker freed us from those wires.

I was so dizzy, my knees had no power. He laughed and supported me.

But the main problem was that he knew about me and Dean.


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