Chapter 44

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Malena POV

I partly opened my eyes to see a very unfamiliar white ceiling. Every nerve of my head was throbbing. I managed to get up and found myself in a small room.

I tried to get up further but failed to. My body was weak, I closed and my eyes and the leant back.

"I see you're awake" Sean entered with a plate of spaghetti.

"Why did you do this?" I asked, my every word was full of poison and disgust.

"I love you. That man doesn't know what love is" he said and sat next to me.

"You know very well" I said sarcastically.
But my sentence brought a smile on his face and he looked at the plate.

"Sarcasm suits you baby" he said and the word baby sent shiver to my body. "Here" he handed me the plate.

I accepted it, because I want energy to escape.
I picked up the fork but it fell from my hands. I noticed how shaky my hands were.

"Let me feed you" he said taking the plate.

He grabbed the fork and brought it near my mouth.

"No, I'll eat myself" I said and tried to take the fork away but eventually failed.

"Please baby, let me. Look at you how weak you're" he faked his concern.

"Thanks to you" I said rolling my eyes.

After having something in my stomach I felt better.

"Malena, I'm sorry for bringing you here but I promise you'll like me eventually. Christian won't love you as much as I do. I'll give you everything" he said holding my hands which I tried to move but he didn't let me.

"Don't make it hard" he sighed.

"You know what....You are insane. You're disgusting and love? You don't love me and even if you do, I don't care because I love Christian" I screamed at him.

"You don't know the truth baby" he continued talking.

"Stop calling me baby and get out" he gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. My fist wanted to punch his stupid face but I calmed myself and turned my head away from him.

"I met you seven years ago. You won't remember me, but I do. You were sitting on a bench, crying. I was there to console you. Was Christian there? No, I was there. I saw you everyday... For one year I was there for you, but you didn't notice me. I felt like I was a part of your life. I knew you, I still remember what you did at what time. I wanted to help you but I was helpless... But look now I can. When I saw you again all the love I had for you came back. Please just be with me" he waited for my answer but I decided the other way.

The more I argued the more he acted crazier.

"Either this way or the other" was his last words and he left. This was my chance, I was finally alone.

I got up and opened the other door which led me to the bathroom.

I leaned on the door from which Sean left and tried to hear something.

After couple of seconds I heard two people talking one was Sean who sounded mad and other was... Maybe a woman?
Soon everything went silent and I thought they were gone. But I was proved wrong when I opened the gate and saw them sitting on their seats.
Wait... Seats?

My eyes widened when I realized where I was. My eyes soon got teary and now there was no way I can run.

I was on a freaking airplane. They were taking me out of this country or I didn't know where.

I felt something heavy in my heart, I started taking deep breaths. My legs got weak and I fell on my knee.

"Baby are you okay?" Sean came running towards me, helping me trying to get up.

He put me on the bed and I just laid down closing my eyes hoping that this could be a dream.

Christian POV

"What do you mean you didn't find anything? What are you doing till now?" I shouted at all these stupid people who couldn't even trace that motherf*cker.

"Sir we are doing are best but this guy has took his car all over the city. We cannot find where does he actually stop" one of the hacker said.

"You said they are the best?" I turned to Caleb who was just stupidly standing there.

"Can you shut up? How can you blame him when he came in your company and kidnapped her. Where were you?" Andrea yelled.

"Shut the f*ck up. I'm not in the mood to argue" I warned her and Caleb placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sir, we found his father's address" Johnathan told me.
Even my employees are better than these idiots who call themselves trained hacker.

"Tell me if you find anything" I told Caleb and he nodded.

"I'm coming with you too" Andrea said.


"What do you mean by you don't know? Isn't he your son?" Andrea shouted.

"He is not my son. He was a mistake. I knew he was useless, now after his mother died I have no relation with him. I don't have any son, don't come here again" he said leaving to his room and the maids showing us the way out.

"Wow what a nice father" Andrea snorted and went in the car.

"So now what?" she asked as soon as I got in.

"I don't know. Those useless people cannot even trace his phone. I don't know what to do? I..." my words didn't come out of my mouth. I felt like a piece of my heart was taken away. I was barely thinking anything.

I felt Andrea's hand on my shoulder and said "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I was just worried."

Suddenly my phone rang and it was Caleb.

"You have to come here soon" he said and I started the car.


"What happened?" I asked impatiently.

"We checked Sean's bank account and there's one transaction between him and Rachel" he said and looked at Andrea.

"No, not our Rachel" she shook her head.

"Call her ask her where is she?" I told her and she took his phone out.

After trying to call her several times, there was still no response.

"Find her location... Now" I shouted.

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