2 - Why?

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We are one month in and I'm already missing my family like crazy, I've fought every night so far and I feel awful. Every part of me is aching and now I remember why I never went back. I've had Baszler on my back all month, she keeps on trying to surprise me but so far it hasn't worked. I walk down to catering and sit on a table with some of the lads.

"Aw Becky is been mad having you back!"

I turn to Drew who's got a big smile on his face.

"Yeah it's been great but I fucking hurt."

They all laughed at my remark and we just started chatting about the schedule and stuff. I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned to see Colby.

"Oh god I've missed you so so much."

I got up and wrapped my arms tightly around him, I gave him a quick kiss as well but he seemed kinda off.

"Hey lets go back to my locker room. I'll see you lads later."

I walk into my locker room and sit on the bench, Colby doesn't say anything so I start the conversation.

"What's going on?"

"I-I Becky."


"I'm sorry."

"For what? Wait where are the kids?"

He sat there silent.

"Where's Hope and Seth?"

"I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"They were with me one minute and gone the next."

"Why weren't they on there leads! Colby we've talked about this for God's sake! Where did you last see them?"

"When I got here..."

"For fucks sake..."

I legged it out of my locker room and down the halls of the arena, I checked everywhere and I still can't find them. There's one place I haven't looked which is Shayna's locker room, I go down there and open the door quietly. I notice nothing unusual so I leg it back up the corridor.


I turned and saw Hunter with my two babies, I rushed over to him and took them from his arms.

"Why did you run away from Daddy?"

"We miss you. Come home please!"

"I can't, I've got to do this big fight and then I'll be home I promise."

"You promise?"

"Pinky promise!"

Seth nodded and I kissed the top of his head.

"Thanks Hunter!"

"Of course."

He gave me a hug and then I began to walk back up to my locker room.

"Why don't you guys come on the road with me and daddy?"


"You'll only ever not be with us when we wrestle and you'd get to go to all sorts of cool places. It'll be fun!"

"Okay then, if it means daddy is happy and not hurt."

"Baby when did he get hurt?"

"The other night."

"Tell me what's happened?"

"I heard him in the bedroom the other night, I heard lots of noises and someone's voice I just thought they were hurt. I needed to get them for Hope but I was scared.

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