"You gotta be kidding me." I said as I look at Adrien, "How hard it is to say I like you in English?"

"Apparently, really hard." He sigh

"What were you think?" Paris ask

"I wasn't, okay?"

"Is Ash the only normal one around here?" Helen ask, "Don't answer that because he isn't so bright either."

"What's going on?" Nolan walk through the front door, to see all of us staring at Adrien.

We choose to ignore him, "It's only been a month since one of you other half decided to knock up Lizzy and proposed."

"Did you knock up someone too?"Nolan asks, incredulously


"Then what is it?"

"He kiss Josie and run away."Josh said, "without declaring his undying love to her."

"That leaves her super confuse." I add

"Will's right, how hard it is to say I like you?" Nolan sigh

"Hey! Don't gang up on me, I was nervous."

"Not a reason for being a twit." Helen shot

"None of you guys know what it feels like!"

"Guys, pause for a minute. Mom called." Alex walks into the room, and hand his phone to Adrien

Yeah, even I'm surprised that Alex is still alive, but what's new? Good thing is that Lizzy's parents didn't kick her out, even though they're not a fan of Alex.

"When's the wedding again?" Adri asks him

"November."Alex rolled his eyes, "Listen, I'm super busy with the wedding planning, a pregnant woman, and my last year of uni."


"But how hard it is to confess? I mean just go up and tell her 'Hey Josie, I like you' if she say no, then move on, if she said yes, than Congratulations." Alex made a jazz hand.

"Says the guy to decide knock up Liz first, then confess."

"Yeah, not my brightest decision." He said, "Trust me, your scenario is way better than mine. Now take the phone before mom murder us."

"Bye Mom, I'll call you later." Adrien takes over the phone and hung up.

"Are you high?"

"Nah, at least this is way better than hung up on Aunt Pony."

"That I agree." Paris said

Then Adrien dial another number, and head out for the front door, "Josie? Adrien here, we need to talk."

"Adrien! You're taking my phone!" Alex shout as he realize something very important.

"They're still idiots." Helen said, "But let's do our thing."

"Sure thing sis." I said as I head to my room


"You know, we still look weird." Paris said

"Why am I also wearing a wig?" Josh asks

"At least you're not wearing contact." I tell him

"Idiots, we're here to spy, quiet down before we're seen." Helen smack us on the head.

"I'm telling ya, I don't looks like me anymore, why do you let me wear a dress?" Josh complain.

"Do you want to spy or not?" Helen gives him a look

"I want to spy, but not in a dress."

"Too bad, you're wearing a dress."

"Guys, shush, they're here." I remind them.


"Good thing Adri didn't mess this up." I said as I lay on the couch

"Well, if he mess up, we're murdering him." Helen said

"Don't worry, I'm sure Aunt Rose's doing it before we do."

"Guys, I love all of you, but can you Hopes please stop spying anytime any of us got a date?"

"What fun would that be, besides, you can also spy when we got a date." Helen said

"And watching you two make out? Eww no." Alex said as he walks in.

"Who's making out?" Joey asks

"Adri and Josie."

"Adrien and Josie sitting on a tree, Kissing..." Alex sings

Adrien throw a pillow that hit right at his head.

"Bulls eye!" Helen yells

Well, and you might know what happen, yes, all of us had a pillow fight in the living room.

None of us grows old, I know.

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