Chapter One

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Uncle Rick owns the characters but the plot is mine. I'm only saying this once cause I know it will just annoy you.

Waking up three in the morning with a pounding headache didn't made Percy's day. He tried to get up but he feel like a thousand of minotaurs standing on his body, enabling him to get up.

He groaned both in pain and annoyance

"You gotta be kidding me"

He tried again but no luck. He couldn't get up without feeling nauseous or seeing black spots dancing in his vision. He could barely breath like he's drowning and he felt like a thousands of Leos pounding their flaming hammer on his head. He groaned again.

What in the Hades is happening?

He tried one last time to get up but end up groaning and moaning (That come up wrong did it? Gah, curse my dirty mind) He growled in frustration and decided to lay down a little while and wait until the drowsiness go away.

Up on the Empire State Building where Mount Olympus lie, the Sea God sat on his throne, thinking about his son while the other Olympians bicker and argue at each other. He was replaying all the things his son done and remembered when he almost vaporised his son for sitting on his throne. He smiled when he remembered the first he saw Percy as a baby. When his son reached out his small and chubby hand to hold his finger.

He was getting annoyed and bored so he decided to flash towards his cabin and check on his son if he's alright but only stopped by his brother, Zeus by booming on him.

"Where do you think your going?" Zeus boomed

"Umm, under the sea?(Under the sea. Darling it's better, down here where it's wetter, take it from me)" Poseidon lied and Athena raised an eyebrow but the god didn't paid her any attention.

He narrowed his eyes and gestured him to go. He rolled his sea-green eyes and flashed to his son. When he get there, he was greeted by the sight of a pale and sweaty raven-black haired demigod. He quickly rushed towards his side and felt his forehead. He quickly detached his hand from his forehead.

Why is he burning up?

Since the Sea God doesn't know anything about doctor-y stuff he called his nephew.

"APOLLO!" he yelled a top of his lungs. Probably waking the entire camp, including Chiron, "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

He quickly flashed here and smiled, lighting the whole room and blinding me, "Sup, Uncle P"

"Stop smiling or else I'll put seaweeds on your teeth" The older god threaten him and he immediately closed his mouth. "Now, can you tell me what's wrong with my son?"

The Sun God looked at the pale demigod and his bubbliness disappeared. He rushed to the demigod and felt his forehead. He frowned and he started his doctor-y stuff. When he's finished he looked at Poseidon with fear in his eyes.

"What?" Poseidon asked worriedly

"He's poisoned," Apollo said, wiping the sweat beaded on his forehead, "You need to turn him into a merman or an immortal immediately or else he'll meet Uncle Hades"

Poseidon looked at his son. He knew he never wanted to an immortal nor became a merman. He have to choose.

His son's happiness or his life


I know it's short but I'll to make it a little bit longer. You might find some grammar errors. Sorry about that.




while you're at it


Peace out mina-san

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