Chapter Thirteen

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Percy looked around him, a little bit disoriented. He put his hand on his forehead and groaned. He closed his eyes and tried to ease his headache. He looked downwards and yelped.

Instead of his normal cobalt blue fishtail, he has a pair of human legs. He frowned and poked them.

Percy's eyes widened, 'I do have legs!'

Percy thought giddily. It's always his dream of having legs. He always envies Will and Cal every time they visited here.

And he has tan skin too. After living underwater for 3 years, his skin developed a bluish tint like his father.

He looked around and he noticed two things.

1. There's a lady in front of him, with her back in front of him.

2. She radiated darkness and pure evil.

Her aura is so evil, he can feel a tingle up to his spine and his instincts were screaming at him to get out of here and stay away from this lady.

I heard her growl under her breath and curse on a strange, ancient language I don't understand.

She seemed to read an ancient book with a lot of squigglies and runes. She growled again and suddenly slam her fist on the table, knocking a couple of glass bottles and herbs.

Percy yelped when she did that.

"You will pay..." He heard her say and waved her hand.

They knocked things flew back to the table, unharmed and a gust of wind whisked the son of Poseidon away.

The scenery changed and he saw a breathtaking valley in front of me. Percy doesn't recognize some things cause he's living underwater his whole life. Greek-like structures were doting on the valley. He saw of what's like an Archery Range like he saw at Camp Fish-Blood.

He took a step forward but the scene disappeared and he woke up.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw the smiling face of his older green brother.

"Good morning, little brother," Triton said and ruffled his hair, turning it into a disarray of hair like he just walked inside a hurricane.

"Mining, Tri," Percy yawned making Triton chuckle.

"Get up now, Perce," Triton pulled his covers off his small body, "Mom and Dad have a surprise for ya"

"What sur-" Percy yawned, "prise?"

"You'll see," Triton smiled and waited for his brother who went to his bathroom and brushes his teeth, eyed the comb for a bit, and went out.

He is still in his PJs went they went to the living room. The rulers of the Sea was happy to see the demigod who looks adorable on his Fining Nemo PJs.

"Hey, kiddo," Poseidon kissed his forehead, "Do you have a nice sleep?"

Percy nodded, yawned a little bit, and rub the sleepiness from his eyes. Amphitrite cooed at him and kissed his forehead too.

Triton pulled the demigod by the armpits and rest his small head on his shoulder. He secured his baby brother and walked towards the dining room.

Inside, you can see Tyson making a PB sandwich with a lot of layers. The general of the Cyclops Army waved at them and the gods smiled back.

Percy, now fully awake, swam towards his now older brother and hugged him. Tyson hugged him too and offered his PB coated fingers. Percy sucked on it with a happy smile etched on his face. (Stay away, dirty thoughts! *squirting holy water at my brain using a big squirt gun*)

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