Chapter Seventeen

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"Again," Clarisse said as she watched Frank as he spared her boyfriend, Chris.

Their blades clashed and sparks flew. For the fifth time, Frank was on the ground, panting. Clarisse smiled and help his brother up.

"That's enough for the day, punk," Clarisse give him a pat on the back, "You did good"

"Thanks, Big sis," Frank give him a wide grin that makes her heart melt and resist pinching those chubby cheeks.

"Your learning fast, kiddo," Chris ruffled his hair with a big grin on his face.

The three walked back to the big house, Frank in the middle of the two lovers, where Mr. D, Chiron, and, surprisingly, Ares were playing pinochle outside the big house. And the gods were whooped by the centaur.

Ares's badass bike was parked beside the steps of the big house.

"Father," Clarisse called, hiding her smile, "I didn't know your stopping by"

The god of war grinned at his favorite daughter, "Clarisse! There's my girl"

The god punched his daughter's shoulder playfully and fixed his eyes on the young Frank between Clarisse and Chris.

"And here's my little soldier," Ares from turned to Mars momentarily when he ruffled his son's hair.

"Now, ready to get back to Olympus?" Ares asked his son.

The son of Mars nodded and hug his big sister.

"Bye-bye, Clarisse"

"Bye, punk" Clarisse smiled, "See you in 5 weeks, ya?"

Frank nodded eagerly and waved at the two demigods goodbye. Ares grabbed Frank by the armpits, making the 8-year-old giggle.

When the god secured his son in front of him, he waved goodbye to his daughter and future son-in-law and drove his son towards the Empire State Building.

"Annabeth!" A beautiful young girl whined in front of a blonde girl who is busy reading a book about architecture.

"What is it, Piper?" Annabeth asked, annoyed. She looked down on her friend under her bed.

Don't get her wrong, she loves the daughter of Aphrodite's company. She just finds her annoying sometimes. Especially if she's reading her favorite book and the brunette is whining.

"All you do is read all day," Piper pouted, resembling a kicked puppy, "Let's go out to do something fun~"

Annabeth looked at her friend who is currently pouting at her, her kaleidoscopic eyes trained at her.

"Pleaseeee~" Piper whined again.

"Piper quit your whining," Annabeth sighed, exasperated.

The daughter of love pouted more, "I won't stop until you hang out with me"

Annabeth sighed again.  She can't read her book peacefully if Piper keeps bothering her.

She closed her book after putting a bookmark and put it on the table beside her. She hopped off her bed and stared at the daughter of love.


"Yes!" Piper did a mini dance that resembles a dancing chipmunk.

She then grabbed her friend's wrist and sprinted out from the young girl's room.

"Piper, slow down!" Annabeth yelped when she almost hit the door.

Piper ignored her. She jumped on the last steps of the Temple of the Wisdom goddess, making her blond friend almost smack her face on the concrete.

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