Chapter Twenty-Four

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The sound of thumping footsteps followed by agonized and anguish screams was heard in the woods.

One by one, young maidens fell on the ground dead, with projectile embedded on their body or their necks twisted.

Two hunters sprinted side by side. One of them fired an arrow towards the thing that's attacking them while the other one is slashing a hellhound that pounced on them, turning it to gold dust.

The two heaved in exhaustion as they tried to run away from the entity that's attacking them. They tried to contact their patron goddess but something is interfering with their call, making their patron remain clueless on their demise.

As they sprinted deeper in the woods, the ground suddenly gave in on one of the huntress' feet. She gasped in shock and grasped her friend's outreached hand.

She tried to haul the other girl up but something was pulling her friend deeper into the pit.

"Don't let go!" she screamed in desperation. 

Her hand began to slip and she felt like she was torn in half slowly. Her friend screamed her name as she began to fell deep into the pit.

The remaining hunters who lived pull Reyna away from the pit. They began sprinting towards the demigod camp.

Deep in Reyna's memory were the terrified eyes of Thalia Grace as she fell.

Annabeth woke with a start, breathing heavily. She can hear her heart pounding and the tears that gathered in her eyes.

"Annabeth, are you alright?" A familiar voice asked.

She looked at the worried kaleidoscopic eyes of the daughter of Aphrodite, "Piper...? What...?"

The daughter of love sighed in relief, "Thank the gods you remembered," she smiled, "We were worried you guys won't wake up"

Annabeth looked at Piper confused, "What happened?"

Piper explained everything, blushing sometimes when her younger self interacts with Percy, who is not so oblivious as the last time.

Her eyes widened as she looked around. Whipping her head side to side, noticing the interior of the camp infirmary, not seeing her boyfriend laying on one of the beds.

"Where's Percy?" she asked Piper, panic, and worry evident in her eyes, "Is he alright?"

Piper fiddle with her fingers, "Percy in on his father's palace. We don't know if he's awake or not..."

"Then let's go there!" she immediately swung her legs on the side of the bed, "I want to see if Percy's-"

"Annabeth, calm down!" Piper used her power on her, making her feel calm and collected, "You're still weak and Lord Poseidon said that he will inform us if Percy's awake"

The daughter of Athena took a deep breath and bowed her head, "The others"

"Nico and Hazel are on the Underworld, Frank is the Ares Cabin, Leo and Calypso are on Olympus along with Will and Jason," Piper replied and begun running her fingers on Annabeth's blonde locks, "They're all awake... thank goodness"

The two demi goddesses were incased with silence until Annabeth's stomach begun begging for food. Piper laughed as Annabeth flushed like a strawberry.

"Let me get that stomach of yours some food," Piper chuckled as she pats her friend's stomach which Annabeth swatted, "Stay here, ok. Don't run off to your little mermaid"

Piper laughed and jogged towards the exit while Annabeth throw a pillow at the laughing brunette, nailing her on the head.

Annabeth sighed and flop on the bed. She can't get the image of her sister figure's terrified face. Her grey eyes narrowed, is Thalia alright? Where is she?

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