Chapter Fifteen

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•|| Somewhere on the Land Beyond the God||•

"Lady Belladonna," a cloaked figure knelt in front of the beautiful lady that is sitting on a throne.

"Did you do it?" she asked while fingering the purple flowers nestled on her head.

"Yes, my Lady," the cloaked figure replied with slight fear in his voice.

The goddess stared at the man in front of her. Her piercing purple eyes glowed with malice and cruelty making the man shudder. She crossed her legs.

"Tell me, traitor," Belladonna sneered, "Did you put the potion on his drink?"

A small whimper of fear was heard from the man, "Yes"

"Then why is he not suffering from pain?!" She slammed her fist on the armrest.

The look on her face says she is not pleased. She wanted that pathetic demigod to sleep forever and never wake up.

The man flinches and shuddered, "I'm sorry, my Lady. Th-the sun god found a temporary solution that slowed the poison and lessens the pain"

Belladonna narrowed her eyes, "What item did he use?"

"A pearl necklace, my Lady" the man replied.

The purple-eyed goddess nodded deep in thought, "I can't just send you and cause him excruciating pain"

"Why not just kill him, my Lady?" the man asked

The goddess cackled like a maniac, "And send him to Elysium to have a happy life or choose rebirth? No! Torturing him is better"

"Why not kidnapped the demigod and torture him here?"

"Nah," Belladonna smiled at him, "I want to see that pathetic Sea god suffer. Watching his only demigod son suffer and can not help him"

The man nodded, "I must be off, my Lady"

"Go," she waved her hand, "Oh and tell Lyssa and the Maniae to pay me a visit"

"As you wish," and the man disappeared in a shower of sparks.

A sadistic smile appeared on her face, "Prepare yourself, Sea god. Cause I'm gonna make you suffer"

•|| Garden of Olympus ||•

Hazel and Nico appeared in the middle of a garden with the goddess of Spring. Persephone looked at the children of the underworld with a stern look on her face.

"Now behave you two," she said, "and don't follow and talk to strangers"

The two nodded, determined to make their mother happy and proud.

Persephone smiled at his step-children. At first, she was beyond enraged but learn to love the two.

"Now, we're gonna visit your Uncle Zeus and your cousin Jason, ok?"

She received a nod from the two kids grabbed her hand on either side. They walked on the roads of Olympus until they reached the grandiose and massive palace.

She knocked on the door and the Queen of Olympus opened it wide.

"Persephone, darling, how are you?" Hera gives her a fake, tight smile.

"I'm quite alright, Queen Hera," Persephone sends her the smile of her own, "How about you?"

"I feel marvelous, Persephone," Hera sneered inwardly, "Come in, Jason is waiting for them"

The people of the underworld went inside, tailing the goddess on Marriage.

"Jason?" The goddess called for the son of Jupiter.

A boy with blond hair and electric blue eyes bounded out of nowhere and crashed on the children of the Underworld. Nico grunted in pain when landed on his butt while Hazel yelped.

Persephone chuckled while Hera looked at the children with a sneer on her face.

"Ok, kiddies," Persephone clapped her hands and smiled at them, "Hera, Zeus, and I are gonna have a parent talk and you can roam free on Olympus, only on Olympus. No shadow traveling to the mortal world. I'm looking at you, Nico"

"What?" Nico looked at her innocently, "I didn't do anything"

"Hazel," Persephone looked at the chocolate skinned girl, "Keep an eye on your brother will you?"

Hazel saluted and dragged the two boys towards the exit of the Palace.

"Bye Mom!"

"How are you, Jason?" Hazel asked

"Horrible," Jason's shoulder slumped, "I hate living with Hera"

"Yeah," Nico agreed and took a bite on his McDonald's Burger, "She's a hag"


"It's true!"

"That is extremely rude!"

"I agree with Nico," Jason announced, "Hera is a hag"






Sorry for the short chapter😢😢😢

I still can't find my notebook and I think I'm gonna cry 😿




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