Goodbye Kisses

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(Peeta POV)
Katniss, Annie, Finnick, the girls, Finn (so in You Saved Me, Annie was pregnant but I forgot to add that she had the baby, which I will do, so let's just "introduce" him into the story now. Sorry!) and I are all at the airport saying our goodbyes.
I take Willow and Sophie into my arms. "I'm gonna miss you two so much." I kiss them both on their foreheads. Willow grabs my nose and refuses to let go of it.
"Uh, Kat, I need some help." She looks over at me and giggles at the sight.
"Come on, beautiful. Daddy has to leave." She tells Willow. Willow starts crying and stretching her hands out to me.
I take her from Katniss's arms and kiss her once again and she stops crying. "I'll be back in 3 days," I whisper, although she has no idea what I'm saying. She looks back at Katniss and stretches her arms out towards her. Katniss takes her from my arms, then kisses me on the lips.
"I love you, Peeta." I hug her tightly.
"I love you too, Katniss." I kiss her again then let go of her.
"Bye, Peet." I hug Annie too.
"Bye, Ann." I feel a tug on my pant leg, I look down to see Finn grinning.
"Goodbye!" He shouts, which causes me to laugh.
"Bye buddy." I hug him then stand back up.
We start our walk toward the plane. I look back at Katniss, who is laughing at the girls as she takes their hands and waves goodbye to me. I grin and turn the corner, no longer seeing my three beautiful girls' faces.
We sit on the plne for what feels like days, but it's only 5 hours.
"Did Katniss have anyone in mind that we could ask?" Finnick asks.
"Yeah, there is a girl named Cashmere who she thinks could be up to this. Then there is a lady, who could be useful to us." He nods his head.
"Sounds good."
Soon the plane lands and we take our stuff to the hotel and get right to work. We first decide to visit Mags, at the café.
"Hello, do you know where we can find Mags?" An old lady looks up at us from behind the counter.
"I'm her."
"Can I ask you a few questions?" She nods.
"Do you know Katniss?" Her face brightens up at her name.
"Oh yes I do, she's such a sweet girl." I smile at her.
"Well, she's my wife and we are experiencing a problem." Her eyebrows furrow.
"What type of problem?"
"Someone is threatening to break our family apart."
"Oh that's terrible." She leans on the counter of the table.
"We traced a phone number back here and we were wondering if you could give us any information on anyone who might be a suspect."
"Well, I can give you a few people who used to pick on Katniss that might have something to do with this." I nod. I never knew Katniss got picked on in high school.
"There was Delly, Cashmere, and Madge."
"Oh, I forgot about Madge." Finnick says and I nod.
"We'll get Jo to talk to her." He nods in agreement.
"Did I help you gentlemen?" I nod.
"Yes, thank you." She smiles at us.
"Tell Katniss I said hi okay?"
"I will." We walk out and get into the rental car. I dial Johanna up to see if she'll talk to Madge.
"Hello?" She asks with a sleep filled voice.
"Were you asleep?"
"No shit Sherlock." I roll my eyes at her.
"We need you do something for us." She groans.
"We need you to talk to Madge and see if she is behind all this."
"Will do." With that she hangs up.
I have a feeling a Cashmere or Madge are behind all this.
I wish my titles were clever 😂
This chapter was bad I'm sorry 😂 I don't know why but I really just want to get this part of the story over with 😬 Are you guys enjoying this part of the story? Or should I just hurry up and end it? PLEASE comment your opinions.
Please please go check out my two newest books, Found and The Inevitable. I would aprreciate it so much.

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