Two New Mellarks

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(Katniss POV)

I am officially 1 week from the due date of the twins. It has been a good pregnancy but at the same time I wanted to stab myself repeatedly. We have moved into our new house and we are loving it. Peeta has been on a business trip for a few weeks and I'm starting to get nervous since the babies come in a week. While he has been gone the girls stay with me since I'm starting to having contractions, they increase in pain by the day.

"So when's Peeta coming back?" Annie asks while painting my toenails which I can't reach at this point because of my big belly.

"We have no idea, maybe some time next week he thinks" I wince as another painful contraction washes over me.

"You alright?" I nod this contraction is the worst one yet. It lasted about fifteen minutes and I could barely speak. "Annie, I can't take these contractions anymore" her eyes grow wide and she sets the paint down.

"Uh, well, you have to push through it kat because we can't make them go away I'm sorry" She says will picking up the paint and finsishing off my toes.

"I just want Peeta" I whine while putting my hands on my belly. I feel the hard little kicks of my babies and smile. "I promise he'll be back before the babies come" She says then gives me a big hug.

"Thanks Ann" I say with a smile on my face. "No problem."

-one week later-

Peeta still isn't back and my nerves have increased since a week ago. I'm constantly checking my phone to see if Peeta has texted me. All I've really done this week is get prepared for the babies. I have the baby bag ready, I have extra clothes, I've got the nursery all ready, and I've been doing yoga to feel more relaxed. Right now though I'm just watching tv with the girls.

"This show sucks ass" Johanna says and I gasp. "Johanna watch the language the girls can hear you" I say and she rolls her eyes. "You'll be a great mom" she says and I smile at her. "thanks Jo-" I stop mid sentence as an odd feeling rushes through me. "Katniss what's wrong" Glimmer asks while standing up. "My water just broke " I Say putting a hand on my stomach and all the girls do isscream and run around saying "what do we do?."

"EVERYONE SHUTUP " I scream it hurts but it got everyone quiet.

"Annie grab the baby bag, Glimmer call Peeta and then call my parents along with Prim, Jo help me to the car." I say and everyone starts doing as they are told. I'min the middle of the back seat Annie and Jo are ii the front and Glimmer and Clove are with me trying to call me down. "he's not here I can't have the girls I can't have them without Peeta" I say as tears stream down my face. "Katniss, Peeta is on his way right now he won't be long they got him on the first plane here and aren't makung any stops, I got him a taxi and he will be hereI promise" Glimmer says and I am so grateful to have these girls.

"Jo, What are you doing? Stop it's a red light."I look toward the fornt to see we are coming to an intersection and our light is a red light. "JO" I scream but she just kepps her hand on the horn and speeds up. We all scream loudly as she speeds through the intersection.

"I swear when these babies are out of me JohannaMason I will kill you" she laughs. "You have to admit I'm going to be an awesome god parent she grins and I glare at her. I scream out in pain the pain brings me to tears.

We arrive at the hospital and I see My parents already in the waiting room waiting for me although I haven't even been checked in yet. My dad catches my eye and runs up to me. "Where's Peeta?" he looks angry, I guess since Peeta isn't here. "He was on a business trip, he's on his way right now he'll be here in a bot 40 minutes please watch for him" I say.

"Katniss I'm staying with you till he gets here, Madison (Madison is Mrs. Everdeen) watch for Peeta" she nods and my dad helps me into my room. "Can I get you anything sweetie?" my dad asks and I look at him "Just get Peeta" I wince in pain as the contractions keep coming.

"I'm here I'm here" I open my eyes to see Peeta rushing to my side. "I'm right here baby" He kisses my head. "I'm so happy to see you" I whisper. "I'm so happy to see you too. How are you feeling?" he asks as he rubs my hand to try and calm me down. "I'm nervous, I,m in pain, I'm excited, and a bunch more" He chuckles and kisses my head.

"Alright Katniss I think it's time" Dr. Aurelius says and I smile at him.

(yeah I'm not making you suffer by putting a whole birth process in here because 1. I don't even know the whole process and don't want to right now. 2. that's just weird 😂)

-hours after-

"Peeta, what should we name them?" I have both the babies cardeled in my arms with a big smile on my face. Absolutley nothing could ruin this moment or this day.

"lets name this one..." he says pointing to the girl with the dark hair and blue eyes, "Willow, and this one..." he says pointing to the girl with the blonde hair and grey eyes "Sophie" I say and smile. "I love it" Peeta says with a huge smile on his face.

"Well look at them" Annie says, she and the girls come in quietly although both the girls are awake. "What did you guys decide?" Johanna asks while playing with the little fuzz of hair on Willow's head. "Willow and Sophie" I say.

"Their middle names?" Oh we forgot about middle names. "Oh yeah I knew we were forgetting something" Peeta chuckles while I think. One comes to mind and I think it's perfect "How about Grace, so her name would be Willow Grace Mellark and for Sophie I don't know" I say going back to thinking.

"I like it and for Sophie I was thinking Sophie Rose Mellark" Peeta says and I smile and nod. I look down at my beautiful little girls "Hi baby girls I'm your mommy, That's your daddy and I know I'm torturing him by not letting him hold you" I hear some aw's around the room but I zone everyone out and just focus on my babies.

"Peeta? do you want to hold them?"

"Yes" he says right after I ask without hesitation. I hand the girls over to him and he is so careful with them it's amazing. Annie comes and hugs me. "Congrats Kat" I hug her tightly. "Thanks Ann, it was a lot but it was totally worth it."

I had to stay the night just to make sure everything was good with the girls and I. When everyone left I was relieved to just have some family time. We noticed that Willow is going to be a daddy's girl and very shy. She didn't want to leave Peeta's arms but Sophie wanted to be held by everyone.

I can't wait to see these girls grow and live their lives. I will protect these two little bundles of joy with my life. No one will touch them and if the do I will make sure they pay. Delly won't even look at my girls and I can tell you now that when I get out of this hospital my first stop is her house to teach her a little lesson.


I'LL REVISE LATER I DON'T HAVE TIME TO RIGHT NOW. I'm surprised I got an update in this weekend. School is killing me, I had 3 big projects due this week and 3 tests and piles of homework. I was up till 12 each night doing it all and I am so tired. Now I must go do homework SHOCKER (I'm being sarcastic it's not one bit shocking)


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