Worse time to be alive

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IMPORTAND AN AT THE BOTTOM (more informational but helpful) 👇👇 NOW READ👇

(Katniss POV)

When I wake up I suspect to be in bed but I'm on the couch with a picture of Peeta gripped tightly into my hands. I've realized I can barely think about him without crying. I have an appointment about the baby soon to see if everything is okay with the baby.

"Hey Kat" I look up to see Johanna sitting by me with a sad smile on her face.

"Hi" I whisper to her.

"You doing okay? Can I get you anything?"

"Peeta?" she smiles sadly.

"I'm afraid not I'm-" I cut her off and point to the t.v.

"Peeta?" I say again.

(Johanna POV)

I furrow my eyebrows at Katniss and look at the t.v to see Peeta and six other men are loading onto a plane. I turn the volume up to hear the t.v more clearly.

we are not allowed to tell the names of the men going on this very dangerous mission but just know that these are some of the bravest men you could ever find and pray for their families as they cope with them being gone. This flight leaves in about an hour or so and we won't be able to tell you details of the mission like when they have completed it or if something has happened, I am Jamie Patterson reporting live from Sacramento, California.

I turn the t.v. off and face Katniss whose lip is quiviring and she's shaking like an earthquake. I open my arms for her and she falls into them sobbing her eyes out.

"he can't go he just can't"

"i know it's hard Katniss but he'll come back i promise you, you know how much he loves you? i've never seen a boy love a girl so much he wouldn't die unless you were dead, he wouldn't be able to stand the fact of you being by yourself he's coming back i promise"

"cross your heart?" she whispers, sniffling.

"and if he does die i'll die" she gives me a sad smile that tells me she's okay now.

"come on we need to get you to your baby appointment"

"i don't want to go"

"Katniss you have to, you have to see how your baby is doing"



"it's his baby too don't say its not just mine."

"i'm sorry Kat i didn't mean to"

"its fine"

we get into the car to head to her baby appointment. I know how nervous she is for this, i just hate that Peeta can't be here with her and the baby he deserves to see the baby and be with Katniss during her pregnancy.

"hey it'll be okay" i reassure her.

"you don't know that"

" i don't but i'm pretty sure it will be, Katniss i know its tough with him being away but you need to be happy for the baby itll help the baby"

we get to the doctors without another word said, maybe seeing the baby will help her be happy. Were sitting patiently waiting for the doctors to call Katniss back.

"will you come with me? i don't want to go by myself"

"of course, that's what best friends are for" she hugs me with a smile plastered on her face.

"Katniss Mellark" our heads snap up to the sound of her name.

"are you ready?" the doctor asks she nods then we both get up following the doctor into the room, i can tell how scared Katniss is her eyes are a little bigger than normal, she's a bit shaky, and sweaty.

"alright who is this?" the doctor points to me.

"Johanna" i say.

"where's your-"

"um doc can i speak to you in private"

"i uh guess" i pull her into the hallway with a bit of a yank to her hand.

"please don't talk about her husband in front of her she'll just break down and it'll take probably 2 hours to get her back to well" we both look into the window to see her playing with a rubber glove blowing it up like its a cows utter and squeezing the fingers, pretending to milk the cow.

"ok i'm sorry but what happened to him?"

"he's on a very very dangerous mission right now and there is a high possibility he could come back in a casket"

"oh thats very sad i hope he does come back alive"

"we do to but lets get this over with" she nods then leads me back into the room where Katniss is acting like a 5 year old.

"alright Katniss lets see how your doing" she puts this gel stuff on her stomach and Katniss starts laughing.

"THAT TICKLES" she bursts with joy which makes me smile knowing she's happy.

(katniss POV)

after the doctor gets finished rubbing the cold funny stuff on my stomach she puts this little wand on my stomach and starts to move it around.

"well this is shocking" the doctor says.

"what?" i say

"hold on let me try this again" she rubs the goo off my stomach then reapplies it then waves the magic wand around my stomach again.

"well then i guess this is right well Katniss i'm very proud to say that you will be a mother to twins"

"WHAT" i screech then pass out


im sooooooo sorry for not upating ive been REALLY busy but the next weekends aren't looking good for updating either i have k-prep testing and finals for 2 weeks and one week of review and sutdying but then ITS SUMMER BREAK XD 3 months off which means maybe a lot of updating but im pretty busy this summer but ill try my very hardest and my sister got a car so i'll be making her drive me places 😂

anyway sorry for leaving you guys hanging i was going to update earlier but the Kentucky Derby was running and i was NOT going to miss that. yeah so sorry for leaving you guys hanging i should sgtop apoligizing now...


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