the happiest man on Earth

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(katniss POV)

I walk around the apartment, which is streamed in banners, streamers, and decorations all which are red, white, and blue. friends and my family has come for the party, they don't know we are having twins just that I'm pregnant.

"oh sweetie you're looking great, how's the pregnancy?" my mom asks. She looks so happy i don't think i've seen her this happy since i graduated. I'm awful I just want Peeta home I could care less about how I'm doing I just want my Peeta back and all of you gone so we can be alone. " were okay were missing peeta, we've somehow coped without him but I'm a little nervous about him coming home in the state he is in" she gives me a small smile, which i know is fake. "don't worry sweetie he'll be fine." Thats what you think. i tell myself. She walks away from me and over to my dad, they're probably talking about me.

I stand on the table, look around at everybody then yell "HEY" everyone goes quiet, then turns to me. "when Peeta gets here we can't be all crazy and getting in his face and asking how he is. He's very sensitive and can click very easily so I don't like saying this but we have to treat him as if he were a baby, it's going to be just as hard for me to contain my excitment as you all, I'm going to want to run up to him and hug him, kiss him, and tell him how much I've missed him buut we can't, we have to be cautious okay?" i hear various okay's and see nods. I sigh in relief.

my dad comes up to me and hugs me "sweetie i'm pretty sure it's going to be the hardest on you to contain your excitment" i smile, it's funny because he's probably right, just then my phone starts ringing. "EVERYONE SHUT UP" i scream, it goes dead silent as i run to my phone.


"were at the door you can come down" excitment bursts through me, i dont know how i'm going to be able to keep the excitment in. "i'll be right down" i sprint out the door, not caring where my phone went. i sprint down the stairs sometimes tripping over my feet. when i get to the bottom i come to a stop as a see Peeta and Dr.Aurelius walking in.

"peeta" i say, his head snaps right up and a smile appears on his face. i cautiously walk up to him, but he comes running. he picks me up and hugs me and kisses me and swings me around, i laugh and cry and kiss him right back.

"i missed you,i missed you, i missed you" he repeats, i laugh at him.

"i've missed you too peeta so much you don't even know" i hug him but he puts me down, his hands go to my belly.

"TWINS" he screams, i nod and laugh.

"peeta we've been through this"

"i know i just can't believe that were having twins, do you know the genders?"

"i could know the genders, but i wanted to wait till you got back to know the genders"

"well let's go to the doctors" i laugh

"peeta we have a surprise waiting upstaris for you, i dont think you're going to want to miss"

"okay" i take his hand but dr. Aurelius calls out to me.

"call me if anything happens"

"i will, thank you" he nods and i lead peeta upstaris.

when we get up to the apartment door i turn around with my back to the door. "just to let you know were all very happy that you're home" he rolls his eyes then smiles, "i get it i know now let's go please" he begs, then a thought comes to mind that makes me smirk. "you can get through this door if..." his eyebrows furrow and he looks dissapointed in me that i'm making him do something "if what?"

"if you give me a kiss" he chuckles "i'd be glad to" his hands find my hips while mine go aorund his neck while our lips connect. It's a small but passionate kiss, these are the kind of kisses that i have missed so much we let go. "well Peeta, welcome home."

I open the door to see everyone talking and laughing, the only one who realizes Peeta is here is Chopper. His head snaps up when he sees peeta, he jumps off the couch then comes running at him full sprint. When he reaches Peeta he jumps on him causing Peeta to fall on the ground with a loud thump. It looked like it hurt but Peeta was laughing while Chopper practically licked his face off. That loud thump got everyones attention, people are laughing and smiling at the sight of Peeta and chopper. i help peeta up and he goes around and starts hugging everyone.

my dad comes up to me, "how's he doing?" he asks. i turn my attention to peeta who has a huge smile on his face as he talks to everyone, "I think he's the happiest man in the world" my dad pats my back then leaves.

I realize that Peeta, Johanna,and i are the only ones who know i'm having twins. Everyone else thinks it's just one, i decide that it's time to tell everyone.

I go over to peeta and pull him over to the kitchen table. i stand up on the chair and his hands immediatly go to my waist. "HEY EVERYONE" the room goes silent I look at Peeta who looks confused so i bend down and tell him what i'm going to say and his face ligts up. "well you're probably wanting more news on my pregnancy" i look around and find Johanna she grins then winks at me. "when Jo and i went to my doctors appointment, we found out some exciting news" i look around with a smile on my face "just tell us already!" Finnick screams and i glare at him in a playful way. "well i'm not having a baby" everyone gasps and i see some questioning faces. "Peeta and i are having twins" the room goes totally silent. Until the whole room bursts into a round of applause. I look at Jo who sticks her thumb up and says a silent "good job." Everyone comes up and hugs us and kisses us on the cheeks.


when everyone leaves Peeta and i lay in bed exhausted. I tilt my head up to look at him, I smile when i see his eyes foucsed on me " i missed you so much, you don't know how much i worried about you" he smiles then rubs my belly " i thought about you all the time baby" i look up at him then sit up "Peeta? what exactly did you see on your mission" he sighs and shakes his head "not today i just can't handle it im sorry you probably hate me now" i look at him like he is stupid "hate you? you think i hate you because you can't handle telling me something that people don't see on a daily basis? Peeta i love you so much i know you're going thorugh a lot, i might not exactly get what you're going through but i don't hate you i'm going to be here for you and help you through all of this" i kiss him the way you kiss someone to tell them you love them. A kiss that comes from deep inside that carries lots of love, we let go. "i'm going to be here for you too Kat for when the babies come, they'll have a normal dad" i laugh and put my hands on his cheeks "peeta i don't want them to have a normal dad, i want them to have you. You're perfect the way you are" he smiles and i lay back down.

About 2 minutes after i said all that a thought comes to mind, it just makes its way out of my mouth "wow Peeta remember this moment i just had a way with words" i look up at him and he starts laughing. "wow Katniss that's nice, hey i love you" i smile

"i love you too."

we both fall asleep at about 10 at night. I'm so happy to have my peeta back.


hello world, i hope everyone is having a great day or had a great day if it's night where you are. PLEASE GO READ MY NEW BOOK a million miles away THANK YOU!!!

well some news, i won't be updating next week because i'll be at the beach with some of my church and won't be back till next neext weekend. I'll try to write on the bus if i'm awake but i'll be leaving at 11:15 at night but maybe in the morning :) hope you liked it


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