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(Katniss POV)

Today is the last doctor visit and my mood swings are awful. I'm refusing to go to the doctor's and Peeta is frustrated.

"Katniss, we have to go to the doctor's" Peeta says. I just sit on the couch not saying a word. He huffs in annoyance then walks over to my phone and puts it up to his ear, he walks into the other room causing his voice to be muffled. He is either talking to the doctor, my parents, or Johanna.

He walks back into the room and sits down with me. "Are we going?" I ask really hoping he had called the doctor telling them we won't be coming in today.

"Yes we are, I just called someone to help me" He smirks at me, in return I glare at him.

Through gritted teeth I say, "I am not going."

"Yes, you are" he says back.

"No, I'm not. It should be my decision if I want to go or not so don't tell me I'm going Peeta because I'm not going"

"Katniss, please we have such a busy day today and you refusing to go is making it stressful" He is practically on his knees begging me to go but I refuse. All of the sudden the door to our apartment bursts open and Johanna comes strutting in.

"Alright brainless get up and go to your appointment" She says while pulling me up onto my feet.

"I hope you don't call me that when the girls come"

"I just might"

"Please don't"

"I won't if you get in the car" I sigh in defeat. I feel Peeta's hand on my back as I walk to the door.

"Thank you Jo" I hear Peeta say from behind me.

"No problem oh and guys?" we both look back at her as she picks up a box.

"I'll start packing stuff" she says with a smirk.

We found a house and now call it ours and today we are going to start moving stuff into it and Peeta is going to start on the nursery. All of our friends and my mom and dad are helping move stuff in. "I'm helping move stuff in" I blurt out. Peeta bursts out laughing "No you aren't Katniss, you are in no condition to do that" He says while his laughter dies down.

"I'm helping" I push. I won't back down from this, it is my first home and I will be helping move stuff in.

"No you aren't Katniss"

"Yes I am"

"Katniss, you aren't helping move stuff in I don't want you to get hurt"

"Stop the car"


"You heard me, stop the car"

"No why do you want me to stop the car?" tears well up in my eyes from anger and sadness.

"you are so concerened about me getting hurt when the whole time you were gone I was hurt and broken beyond repair the only one who could fix things was you and you weren't there. You were held captive and I couldn't do a thing" Peeta finally stops the car and pulls into a parking lot.

"You think I wasn't hurting? you think I was just sitting there having a wonderful time? I was suffering Katniss I thought I was going to die and never see you again and I know you were hurting but I couldn't stop it but guess what I'm here now aren't I? so just stop Katniss just let me tkae care of you and worry about you while I can" he pleads and now I feel guilty so I do the only thing I can think of and stay silent.

He starts the car up and drives off but not to the doctor's office but home. "We aren't coming in today Katniss isn't feeling well so we will come in next Tuesday? ok, bye" he hangs up form talking to doctor Aurelius.

When we get home I storm into the house capturing everyone's attention and I run into the bedroom and just lay down.
I hear their conversation outside.

"What happened?" my dad asks with slight concern in his voice.

"we just argued I'll let her cool down then ssee how she is" Peeta says.

"So you didn't go to the doctor's?" Annie asks.

"No" Peeta says.

"Lets just get this stuff moved" Peeta says and I heaar shuffling.

I hear whining at the door and i try to get up but I can't. I'm stuck and the only way I'd be able to get up is help from Peeta which we aren't on the best terms right now. I text Annie and ask if she'll come up here. I wait and wait for an answer but there is none she must not have her phone on her.

"PEETA" I scream for him knowing that'll get his attention. I don't hear a thing, no footsteps, talking, nothing.

"PEETA HELP" I'm getting really scared right now.

"I'M SORRY PLEASE PEETA HELP ME" I start panicking what do I do?

Then I hear small footsteps, they aren't peeta's and they don't sound familiar.

"Hello?" I say but get nothing. I hear the footsteps still and they're becoming closer.

"Peeta? is that you?" I hear Chopper growling and barking. There's an intuder. I reach for my phone and call Peeta it rings and rings but then goes to voicemail. The foot steps stop right outside my door and now I'm glad I locked the door. I call my dad who picks up.


"Give the phone to Peeta" I whisper.

"hello?" I hear Peeta's worried voice.

"someone's in the house" I whisper.

"what do you mean?"

"there is an intruder and I cannot get up to get your gun"

"I'm on my way Katniss stay on here okay?" I hear the door handle start rattling and chopper is silent.

"okay" I whisper quietly.

"WHO'S IN HERE" I here a familiar voice say.

"LEAVE ME ALONE DELLY" I scream as tears run down my face.

"OPEN UP YOU BITCH" she screams as she bangs on the door. All I can think is my time to live is running out quickly.

"you can't do anything I'm a girl dumbass" I hear her say but not to me.

"Get out of my house or I will do something" I hear Peeta say.

"No" Delly says and I just want to scream for Peeta.

"Jo Get her!" I hear footsteps and then a loud thump.

"katniss!" Peeta says through the door.

"Help me!" I cry out to him.

The door burts open and peeta helps me up and pulls me into his arms.

"where's Chopper is he okay?"

"he's going to be fine Delly hurt him but he'll be okay he just needs to rest"

"none of this would've happened if I never said that"

"Oh Peeta no don't blame yourself it's these mood swings and I'm sorry"

"I should've never left you alone"

"Peeta stop please It's not your fault" I sit up a little and kiss his lips.

"Lets get out of here" He whispers, I nod.

We get up and head over to the new house while the guys get the rest of the stuff.

"I don't think I want to help anymore" I say as we enter the new house. Peeta laughs and it causes me to smile.

"good that makes me feel better" he kisses my head and gets me a chair to sit in. I realized that when we fight it doesn't last long it's like the tension was put in a cabinet and forgotten about and that's one thing I love about our relationship.

sorry If there are still some mistakes I didn't have enough time to fix the whole thing so I skimmed it!
sorry I have not updated in forever and I will make up for it with this somewhat sucky chapter. I have been stressed and really busy with school so as I said before I won't be able to update much but I'll try. thank you for being patient!


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