The Baby Genders

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(Katniss POV)

When I wake up in the morning I feel Peeta running his fingers through my hair. I decide not to open my eyes so he keeps running his fingers through my hair.

"I know your awake" he whispers while still running his fingers through my hair. "No I'm not" I whisper back but keep my eyes closed. "Then why are you talking?" He asks twirling my hair around his finger. "It's called sleep talking" he chuckles.

I turn around and open my eyes to be met with the biggest smile ever. "Good morning beautiful, I thought you would never open those gorgeous eyes" I blush tomato red. I can't even get used to those sweet comments now. "you always know how to make me happy" his hand is rubbing small circles on my belly. "That's because I've lived with you for about 3 years" I smile at him then jump out of bed. "Are you ready to find out the genders?" he asks and I nod then hop in the shower.

When I get out he's all ready in khaki shorts and a tee-shirt on. I'm in jeans and a simple shirt also. "alright let's go find out what our babies will be" his hand is on the small of my back leading me down to the car.

When we get I to the car i take his hand and sigh, "Peeta I think we should move into a new house, like a real house not an apartment" he takes some time to think about it then speaks up. "I agree I don't think we should raise the babies in the apartment" I smile then kiss his hand. "I'm so happy you agree."

When we get to the hospital I'm more nervous than I was when I went to my first ultrasound. my hands are all sweaty and I have butterflies in my stomach. Peeta takes my hand, when he does he looks at me "wow Kat your hands are really sweaty are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine just nervous" he nods and hugs me from the side. "we both are baby but it's something thing to be excited for" I nod in agreement.

"Katniss" Dr. Aurelius calls, my nerves have grown and I'm holding onto Peetas hand for dear life, his thumb makes tiny circles on my hand to try to calm me down.

We stand up and head into the room. I lay down on the bed and pull my shirt up. "Alright are you ready?" Dr.Aurelius asks and I nod nervously. he rubs the gel over my belly then puts the wand on my belly and starts to run it around until a picture of my two little babies come up on screen. "Can you tell what they are or is it not that clear to you?" Dr.Aurelius asks and Peeta starts laughing and crying at the same time with his hands on his face.

I'm so confused I can't tell at all what they are it doesn't make sense to me how do you see it?. "um I don't see it" I say while peeta is still crying and laughing. "Katniss look right here" he points on the screen in two different ares and I start crying as well when I see what both of my babies are. "oh my gosh I can't believe it" Peeta kisses my head then my lips. "They should be coming in about three months, I can't tell you an exact date yet but it'll be soon."

We schedule an appointment, it'll be my last appointment until the birth of the babies. Peeta and I can't stop smiling, I'm so excited to tell everyone.

"I can't believe this is all real I can't believe I'm going to be a daddy, it's like a dream come true" I lean over and kiss his cheek. "I love you so much" I tell him, he smiles then grabs my hand. "I love you too."

When we get home we start calling everyone. the first person I call is my mom and dad. They scream and congratulate us, my dad told me that we should go see them at some point in the week and I said we would. I called Prim next who wouldn't stop screaming that she was going to be an aunt, that made me laugh. Then I called my

Brother and it goes to voice mail. "Hey this is Sam sorry for not picking up I'll get back to you ASAP bye." I drop the phone and start sobbing uncontrollably. I hear Peeta get off the phone and come hug me. "what's the matter baby?" I turn around and start crying into his chest. " I called Sam I forgot he died, I was going to tell him Peeta" he rubs my back and soothes me. "It's okay baby, he knows because he's watching over us and he doesn't like to see you cry, he's so happy that were having these two little bundles of wonder. don't worry baby he knows." I kiss him on the lips.

I guess I fell asleep crying because I woke up in Peetas lap with a blanket around us and he was watching t.v. while rubbing my back. "hey you alright" I nod and wipe my face off. "I'm okay I guess I just miss Sam."(A/N: I don't remember her brothers name so his name is Sam now)

"I'm just happy that I have you and my two baby girls" I smile and kiss him.

"Well technically you haven't had the babies yet" I slap his chest and he laughs.

"Shut up" I say then kiss him.


I'm sorry I didn't update last week I was at bible and beach with my church. I had a blast I made new friends, I learned so much. I had such an amazing time. This guy found a dead baby shark on the beach and ran around showing it to people, it smelled. And this girl was really weird she kept touching my arm and my hair and I was like umm could you not. I hope you liked the chapter (: I'll be updating more.


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