painful Surprises

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(Katniss POV)

For the past month I have been sitting around and looking for houses with Peeta. I am now 7 months pregnant and dreading to have these babies. Ever since that note from Delly I have been so paranoid that I barely go out of the house, Peeta is getting worried about me.

"Kat come on lets go on a walk" Peeta says walking into the room.

"Nah I'm good" he sits down by me on the couch and looks at me.

"what?" I say

"Katniss, you can't hide in here forever"

"I can fo ranother month"

"I'll be right by your side the whole time I won't let anyone hurt you"

"Peeta I'm just so scared that something will happen to me or you"

"Nothing will happen I'll carry my knfie with me" I look down at my belly where my hands rest and close my eyes.

"I just don't know Peeta"

"How about we go to Central Park? no one will try to hurt you in front of a bunch of people"

"Okay fine" he smiles and kisses my cheek. He helps me up since I'm starting to have troubles doing so.

We get dressed and he has to help me put my shoes on also. We take chopper with us and some of his toys.

"This feels familiar" I say and he smiles.

"Well except the pregnancy and stuff"

"That's true, Peeta?"


"I think the babies are coming" I hold my stomach as pain shoots through me. He slams on the brakes and looks at me.

"Wait what? Katniss you have another month" I let out a scream as pain comes ripping through my body.

"Oh my god Peeta we need to-AHHH" I scream out in pain again clutching my stomach.

"Hang in there Katniss" Peeta goes speeding through traffic as I scream out in pain again.

When we reach the hospital I can barely stand "Peeta go get the doctor" I say panting.

"I'm not going to leave-"

"PEETA GO GET THE DOCTOR" I wince in pain as Peeta runs into the hospital the runs out with Dr. Aurelius trailing behind.

"Lets get her inside" Dr.Aurelius helps me out of the car and inside a room.

"Katniss calm down I need to get your pants off okay?" Dr. Aurelius says and I think he's crazy.

"Just make the pain stop" I cry. I feel my pants being taken off along with my panties (A/N: this is so weird writing😂😂).

"Katniss the babies aren't coming"

"WHAT?!" then why am I in so much pain?

"I'll show you what's happening" he chuckles, Why is he chuckling I'm in pain.

"Just get rid of the pain" he pulls my shirt up and gels it, he then moves the wand around and the image of my babies comes up on the screen.

"They are just moving around is all and it causes you pain, the pain will get better. For now I'll just give you a pain reliever" He hands one to me and I take it.

"You'll be alright Katniss" Dr. Aurelius says.

"Dr. Aurelius?"


"Will you deliver them? the babies?" he smiles.

"Of course I will" I smile.

"I don't trust anyone else to deliver them"

"Katniss, don't let her get to your head I'm sure Peeta will watch over you and your girls with a hawks eye"

"I'm sure he will too"

"I'm surprised she's messing with us"

"we'll be okay" I say holding Peeta's hand. He kisses my head.

"You two stay safe okay"

"Okay, thanks Doc"

"no problem" he walks out of the room and I look at Peeta.

"Sorry for worrying you baby"

"It's alright Kat lets just go home" He helps me up and into the truck. Chopper is whining like crazy.

"I'm sorry buddy we aren't going to the park" Peeta says a to chopper,

"It's my fault" Peeta leans over and kisses me.

"Chopper understands" he laughs as I hit his arm.

When we get home I lay on the couch and sigh "We can try to go on a walk tomorrow Peeta."

"sounds good" he's in the kitchen making dinner.

"craving any thing right now?"

I think for a moment then answer "chicken soup"

"okay I'll make you some"

Before I even get my soup I fall fast asleep.


well, I have school on wednseday so I probably won't be updating a whole lot anymore :( sorry! I really need to focus on school this year.

Have a good day/night/evening/morning where ever you are :)


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