Chapter 4

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"How was class?" Melissa asked me when class was over. We were both headed to the cafeteria to meet up with Amy.

"Boring, he fell asleep as soon as the movie started." I yawned. I had taken a nap as well cause I was tired.

"I told you he was cool." Melissa laughed.

"Bad news." Amy walked up to us. "We gotta sit with my annoying brother."

"Who's your brother?" I asked.

"Mike. He's your prince charming bet- best friend." She gave me an awkward grin. Amy's brother is the future beta? Pretty cool.

"He's just a pervert. Like all the other guys in this school." I rolled my eyes.

"That's the thing; he isn't. He does not look at other girls the way he looks at you. Not even Tasha. And supposedly, they're a thing." Amy said. I felt she knew something but didn't know how to tell me. She probably thinks that if she told me the truth, I'd think she's nuts.

"He's just another pervert to me." I shrugged.

I sat at the end of the table next to Amy and Melissa. They wanted to keep some distance between Damien and me. I didn't mind. They all were good friends and were chatting about music and movies. I zoned them out and ate my salad quietly.

"Earth to Nexy. You with us?" Amy waved her hand in my face.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" I turned to her, putting my fork down.

"You were falling asleep. Are we really that boring?" Amy joked.

Yes. "I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep last night." I replied.

"Oh yeah? Someone keeping you up at night?" Melissa wiggled her eyebrows. "A guy, perhaps" Amy frowned at her and elbowed her to keep quiet.

"A guy?" I questioned her. Did she mean Damien? I mean, recently, yes. But it wasn't that.

"Yeah. Maybe a boyfriend?" Melissa teased me.

"A boyfriend," I repeated, looking down at my pathetic salad. "Not anymore."

"I'm sorry, hun. Breakups suck, especially if you move across the country." Amy tried reassuring me. If only you knew Ams.

"What were you asking me again? I completely spaced out." I said, changing the subject.

"My brother Mike." Amy pointed at Mike, who waved at me. "He asked if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?"

"What do you mean? Anything, anything?" I asked. Were they trying to get me to tell them what I was? Alright. I'll play your games.

"Anything. Maybe a wolf? Vampire? Witch? Mermaid?" Amy suggested. You are so close, Amy.

"A wolf? They are too hairy, but they got adorable paws. A vampire would be cool, but I'm not too fond of the sight of blood. A witch would be nice, but they're ugly and scary, like in The Wizard of Oz. And a mermaid. It would be cool to lure sailors into their deaths. But the open water scares me. What if I get eaten by a shark?" I lied. Open water doesn't scare me. "So I'll probably be a duck."

"A duck?" Amy gave me a strange look. "Of all the things you could be, you'll pick a duck?"

"Ducks are my favorite animal. They're just so adorable." I smiled. I wanted them to think I was human. Naming a random animal would surely keep them off my back.

"I think that's cool. Ducks are pretty cute but mean, and they bite too! I tried feeding one when I was little, and it nearly bit my finger off." Melissa laughed.

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