Chapter 34

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My dad and I were finally driving back home. I had the chest with the crown sitting on my lap. I haven't taken my eyes off it since I got to the car. I was still trying to absorb everything. My mom is the Queen of the Merfolk, making me the Princess and possibly next in line. However, according to Merfolk laws, I am not supposed to exist. I felt confused about my whole situation. My parents had kept me safe all my life, but sometimes I wish they would've just told me.

"I think it's time I bring Eudora home," I told my dad when we got home.

"Estas segura? Are you sure?" He asked me, squeezing my shoulder.

"Eudora is a mermaid, not just any regular mermaid. She's the Queen's granddaughter. The merfolk know about me. They have to know about Eudora. I need to keep her safe." I sighed. What was I thinking? I couldn't even look at a picture of her. How was I supposed to raise her?

"I think it's time I finally get to see mi nieta. My granddaughter." He smiled at me.

"I need to call Bryan." I sighed. The one person I never wanted to talk to. "I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Of course. I'll be in the garage if you need me." He took a deep breath. I could see he was hurting. He had just lost his wife and best friend. My mom should've never left. And I hated her for leaving my dad behind—my dad who has sacrificed everything for us, for her. I hated seeing my dad heartbroken like this.

I also had another problem. How was I supposed to get Eudora back from Bryan? I knew he would never give her up willingly. But I had to try. I had to ask for help; right now, Amelia was the only person I could think of. But I didn't know much about her except that she's a vampire and hates Damien and wolves. I had to know I could trust her with something like this.

Hey Amelia. Are you free tomorrow? I send her a text.

Hey, Chika! I am. Are you asking me on another date? 😏 she texted me back. I couldn't help but chuckle at such a serious time.

I am. A scroll through the park or something. I have no money for a date. Haha 😅

That's no problem. That tall, smelly, grumpy dog isn't the only one with rich parents. 😏, of course, she's rich, I rolled my eyes.

He is very grumpy. Especially his girlfriend! 😡 I texted her.

She's the worse!!!! Wanna meet at the coffee shop? She replied.

Yes! I'll meet you around 5. I have lots of homework! I texted her back.

Five works for me! See you tomorrow, chika! 😏😘❤️

With my date set for tomorrow with Amelia, I only needed to call Bryan—the one person I never wanted to talk to.

"Lord Triton, give me strength." I prayed as I dialed his number.

"Yeah?" His voice sounded over the phone.

"Um. It's me." I cleared my throat.

"Well. what a nice surprise. I missed you." He chuckled. I could tell he had that stupid smirk on his face.

"I miss you too." I lied. I cursed myself for saying it, but I needed him to trust me. "I want to see you soon. You and Eudora."

"I can be there in two weeks." He said. Yes! I got you asshole!

"That works for me. I would love to see you again. I enjoyed the dance. I-I want that again." I wanted to throw myself out the window for saying this. I felt so disgusted with myself.

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