Chapter 51

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I arrived at Jaxon's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard Jaxon call out. I opened the door, and Lynn and Henry were there. "We need to talk about the human chick." He said when I shut the door behind me.

"Did you get my transfer papers for Hannah?" I asked Jaxon, ignoring his remark. "Mike should've sent them to you by now."

"I got them," Jaxon said, holding a stack of papers. "I signed them like you asked me to."

"I'm glad you did. My other option was to send Hannah to Henry's pack." I said, satisfied that he had signed them.

"I don't know about taking in another crazy she-wolf." Henry laughed.

"The problem with that crazy she-wolf is she's claiming to be your mate. Her wolf is claiming to be your mate." Lynn sighed.

"I know, Lynn. She's been saying that since high school. My only mistake was not sending her away sooner." I said. I thought she'd grow out of it, but it only worsened. "I already told you who my real mate is. It's the human girl."

"Does grandma know who she is?" Lynn asked me.

"I called her four years ago to let her know I found my mate," I answered.

"Of course, you told Grandma. You are her favorite, after all. Goddess knows grandma has never bought me or anyone an expensive Rolex or any expensive gift." Henry laughed, looking awkwardly at Lynn, who, in return, gave him a dirty look. My grandmother and Lynn still rarely talk. She understands why Lynn killed her father, but my grandmother still lost her oldest son, which hurt her, especially after losing her mate a month before.

"Fuck off, Henry. I called her because I was confused. Dante was going nuts over a human. I didn't know who else to call. You know how my mom feels about humans. I couldn't tell her just yet." I replied.

"Your mom found out she's human?" Lynn asked me. I nodded. "Figures. That's probably why she called me for a private meeting to have your Alpha title stripped. I expected something like that from Jaxon or even Henry's stupid ass. But you?"

"But that's over now. My mother returned to the council and will not bother me anymore." I was relieved to hear she was leaving to reinstate her council position. Her father had retired, and he wanted her to fill his position.

"Am I the only one who thinks it's weird she has a kid?" Henry said. I shook my head. "I mean, hear me out. You two went to high school together? So that means she was pregnant while in school, had her baby, and a few months later, the moon goddess says, hey, I got a single human baby mama. Let me hook her up with Damien. He seems like a great dude."

Single baby mama? My wolf started laughing. Have I ever mentioned how much I like Henry? He's so goofy!

"That is not what happened." I laughed. I didn't know how it happened, but our guess was when we met at that river years ago. "She moved to Oregon in February, so I didn't even know she had a kid until two months after meeting her."

"And Dante has no problem with that?" Asked Lynn. I could tell she was concerned. I, too, was worried about Dante not wanting to raise Eudora cause I know how wolves are. But he understood how much Eudora meant to Nexy.

As long as I don't play fetch with her. Dante huffed.

"Dante is fine with it. He even enjoys playing fetch with Eudora." I said.

What? No! I didn't say that! Dante growled at me.

"Like a true fucking mutt! That's fucking adorable!" Henry laughed. "Wait, does this mean she's not dating the vampire chick?"

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